[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/YF2iTX6.png[/img][/center] [color=gray][sub][center][color=2A9FCB][b]Location:[/b][/color] Ishin Academy, Sapporo, Japan -- April 7th[/center][/sub][/color] [indent][indent][indent][hr] And just as she tried to focus on the podium, something miraculously stupid happened. Or more accurately, [i]someone[/i] miraculously stupid happened. Yoshiba’s hair had gotten its fair share of attention in her past. In Junior High School, it had been called “cute”, in the orphanage it had been compared to sannakji, but it had been awhile since somebody wanted to [i]touch[/i] it. The last person who had done so, had gotten hurt from the sheer amount of panic she had incurred. She still remembered the lecture she received from the police and her mother about using her quirk. It was an awful feeling, but that had happened back before the incident. Back before she started acting up, before the orphanage, before she became the person she was today. Her eyes widened at the girl’s touch, a weird feeling coming over her due to her hair’s plexus of nerve endings going throughout each single strand of tentacle rather than ending at the root. She had gathered more of a resistance from the parkour and the swimming with her prehensile hair, but someone’s fingers running through it was something that still caught her by surprise. Yoshi’s teeth pushed against each other as her hair immediately grabbed the girl’s hands by the wrist. It was a better option than throwing her back by several meters like she had done in the past, though she doubted she would get in trouble at a [i]Hero Academy[/i] for using her quirk in such a way; but even still, she didn't want to hurt anybody, let alone a future sidekick! As Haruhi’s hands were caught, she seemed more interested in the purple-haired girl. Yoshiba’s eyes had never left the sage so she would not have known. [color=2A9FCB]“Don’t do that. Don't they teach you people in Nara anything about [i]manners[/i]?”[/color] The blue-haired girl sighed, finally looking over her shoulder to Haruhi as she let go of the girl's wrists with her hair. [color=2A9FCB]“The name is Mizhuana Yoshiba. Use whatever honorifics you want. I'm from Kagoshima, and if you touch my hair again I'm keeping the arm.”[/color] [/indent] [/indent][/indent]