If so here's an application. [hider=Arsonist of Avignon] [list][*][u][b]Name[/b][/u]: Julie d'Aubigny [*][u][b]Class[/b][/u]: Assassin [*][u][b]Appearance[/b][/u]: [img]https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/ox7XHvBrlMD0LZUklgkpu6FMxkI=/0x0:1215x717/920x613/filters:focal(511x262:705x456)/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/50845019/Fiora_Splash_1.0.jpg[/img] [*][u][b]Personality[/b][/u]: Julie has no sense of boundaries nor modesty, caring little if anyone sees her in a state of undress, and often appreciating beauty close up. She is a slave to her whims, and fickle besides; one moment she’ll throw herself with reckless abandon into the fray, the next she'll be trying to seduce someone into her bed at night. She is a hedonist, pure and simple, no godly woman this duelist. Lust, gluttony, wrath are her gods, and she worships one or the others regularly. She holds little regard for things such as kings and rulers, and when faced with one putting on airs don’t expect her to hold her tongue. A certain deep melancholy often chips away at her boisterous, rambunctious nature, affecting her at the oddest of times, forcing her to withdraw. Affected by a vicious temper, Julie is vindictive, cruelly so, and will never forget or forgive a sleight. [*][u][b]Stats[/b][/u]: [list][*][u]Strength[/u]: E [*][u]Endurance[/u]: E [*][u]Agility[/u]: A+ [*][u]Mana[/u]: C [*][u]Luck[/u]: A+ [*][u]Noble Phantasm[/u]: B[/list] [*][u][b]Class Skills[/b][/u]: Presence Concealment: (D-) Julie’s capacity for Presence Concealment doesn’t come from her skill at stealth, but rather her flair for disguising herself. As such feats of acrobatic stealth and melting into the shadows is beyond her. Perfect for spying and hiding her identity as a Servant however. When utilizing her Doppelganger (Beauty), Presence Concealment inverts to draw attention to herself due to her radiant beauty but further hides her identity of being a Servant. To outside eyes she is merely a remarkably beautiful human. [*][u][b]Personal Skills[/b][/u]: Combat Analysis: (A+) Julie is able to determine another Servant’s fighting style and plan her own actions accordingly. Doppelgänger (Beauty): (C) Accounts tell of Julie’s capacity to disguise herself, often impersonating a young noble lord, and in one special case, disguising herself as a postulant of a convent, without ever really disguising her sex. This skill lets her pass herself off as anyone she wishes, but restricts her options to only those considered “beautiful”, what's more it draws attention to her, unintentionally drawing eyes to her in a favorable sense. Julie must don her elegant top hat to change her appearance. The form she obtains passively draws attention to her. Disengage: (C++) The ability to withdraw from the battlefield in the midst of combat. Once one is retreating, it is possible to reset the battle conditions, negating all kinds of negative effect that affects the Servant and which Rank is equal or lower than the rank of this skill. It cannot ‘heal’ the Servant or cancel curses or poisons. Julie’s life was awash with instances of running from the judgement of the courts and the king, every time succeeding. Biche d'Avignon: Escape of Two Lovers temporarily modifies this skill to ensure escape even when in the line of sight of another Servant as she and another are presumed dead. It becomes possible to leave combat, but only if one is able to stay roughly 40 meters away from the enemy or be out of direct sight and earshot (being hidden in a crowd, disguised, concealed in a fog, behind buildings and not identified) of an enemy for two posts. Débuts de Mademoiselle de Maupin: (B) All the world’s a stage in the scope of this, and Julie at its core. A passive manifestation of Julie’s skill as an opera singer and the praise she accrued acting as a D Rank Boundary Field. The sound of her voice intoxicates and muddles the mind of men and women masking her ill intentions as nothing more than wanton lust, or as the desire to entertain. A skill that morphs murderous, and subversive intent into wanton lust or the desire to simply entertain. When activated her voice draws humans to her like moths to a flame. A Mental Manipulation skill affected by Julie's LUCK. [*][u][b]Noble Phantasm(s)[/b][/u]: [list][*][u]Name[/u]: Dernier Sang: The Unlawful Duel Realized [*][u]Rank[/u]: B [*][u]Type[/u]: Anti-Unit/Self [*][u]Appearance[/u]: Appears as a fine cane with an intricate rose handle, while dormant it can't be perceived by those without skills such as An Eye for Art. Dernier Sang, once drawn, is a slim blade of silvery metal with an floral pattern across its edge. [*][u]Effects[/u]: The crystallization of every unlawful duel Julie participated in and subsequently won. Seen as an act of murder despite the laws in place to prevent such things, in response to any insult or injury. A culmination of events leading up to the bitter, spiteful end of the ‘offender’. Dernier Sang’s power is built over a rivalry between her and another Servant, requiring three clashes between Julie and another to become ready for its True Name release. Once released Julie executes a blinding fast jab that appears to come at the other Servant from all directions hitting lover, heart, and kidney all in one strike. To the enemy she appears to be in three places at once. [*][u]Name[/u]: Biche d'Avignon [*][u]Rank[/u]: C+ [*][u]Type[/u]: Anti-Fortress/Anti-Unit/Self [*][u]Appearance[/u]: This NP manifests as a prepared corpse, worked over by Julie and infused with her mana. The NP's effect then springs from this unassuming corpse. [*][u]Effects[/u]: Julie’s most notable clash with authorities occurred when she attempted to smuggle someone she loved out of a convent in Avignon. This culminated in a body being stolen, the convent being burned down, and Julie and her lover escaping the city in the dead of night. This act manifests as a means of valiant escape for Julie culminating in an explosion of flame that seems to consume Julie, her ‘lover’, and the building she stands in allowing for a daring escape for Julie. This harrowing escape takes form in a brilliant burst flame. When she is in mortal peril, Julie will explode in a violent torrent of flame upon which she will assume spirit form and run away. This guarantees the destruction of any D Rank Fortress Phantasm and any non-phantasm structures. When performed inside any structure with religious connotations a + buff is added to Biche d’Avignon and becomes capable of destroying C Rank Fortress Phantasms. Julie is granted a ++ buff to Disengage and a + modifier to her Luck to help ensure escape, the corpse she leaves will fade much like a Servant will when killed providing the illusion of Julie being killed in the blast. Humans and Servants that witness this will truly believe she has perished unless they see her again, or have Mental Interference protections beyond this NP's Rank. [/list] [*][b][u]Alignment[/u][/b]: Chaotic Nuetral [/list] [/hider]