[b]The Host of Balance (Digimon, Pokemon, and Shin Megami Tensei Crossover.)[/b] [b]I. Intro[/b] [hider=Intro]A long time ago, there were two kinds of being, Humans and Demons, supernatural beings created from the power of human worship and desire. These two races spread across multiple worlds, engulfing them in endless conflict over ideals of law and chaos, light, dark, and grey. But some humans sought a way out of this struggle, and in multiple worlds and timelines, created entities that were derived from Demons, but not the same. These are the origins of Pokemon and Digimon, whose lesser, but still-great, struggles would go unnoticed by the Demons and the Humans who still lived with them. Until one day, in one universe, Nanashi, a being given the powers of 'Godslaying' by the Demon Dagda, observed the state of the Multiverse, ruled over by the mad God of Law, YHVH, and opposed by Lucifer, the capricious and untrustworthy Fallen Angel of Chaos, as well as the Polytheistic Alliance, guided by Krishna, Odin, and Maitreya, who seek to subjugate humanity in their own way. Nanashi, encouraged by Dagda, decided to kill all three factions, but ran into the problem that as YHVH was born from the innate human need for law and order, and will regenerate from human emotions if defeated, he can only be permanently killed if all humans who can potentially worship him, [i]aka every man, woman, and child that lives[/i], are destroyed in turn. Needless to say, in one universe, Nanashi took that decision. Killing the version of YHVH in his world and seating himself atop the Creator God's throne to take his place, the 'Godslayer' gathered his two formerly human servants, Flynn, a once-hero of Humanity ressurected and brainwashed to serve Nanashi, and the Artificial Goddess, one of Nanashi's former companions forced into the role of consort and mother of a new Human race. Together, they would create an army of Demons and 'new men' who would eradicate all of YHVH's potential followers all across the Multiverse, cleansing them of life in order to ensure that once Humanity was created anew, they would know no authority to rule them. And he would not overlook the worlds that weren't inhabited by Demons, but by Pokemon and Digimon. He would kill everything [i]there[/i], as well, so as to liberate the Multiverse from YHVH's existence...[/hider] [b]II. The Mon Alliance and Types of 'Mon'[/b] [hider=The Mon Alliance]However, this genocidal - no, omnicidal - agenda would not go unopposed. When Nanashi's armies struck several universes at once, a being known as the Demi-Fiend, a human who had been given demonic powers, went to the worlds of Pokemon and Digimon in order to arrange an alliance between each sector of the Multiverse. Receiving a reasonable answer, the Demi-Fiend, introducing himself as Naoki Kashima, would meet with three others, Red, the Pokemon Champion, and Taichi Yagami, the greatest of all Chosen Children/Digidestined, and Aigis, a humanoid robot from the Persona sub-section of the Shin Megami Tensei universe. And together, they would form the Mon Alliance, and its armed branch, the Host of Balance.[/hider] Here are the types of 'Mon' (Digimon, Pokemon, Demons, and Personas, a subtype of Demons): [hider=Digimon]'Digital Monsters' made up of computer data given form by human emotions, Digimon are very close to Demons in power, and can sometimes even exceed them, but are friendlier to Humans than their ancestors. They live in various 'Digital Worlds' that coexist with each version of Earth in the Multiverse...[/hider] [hider=Pokemon]'Pocket Monsters' descended from the fusion of Demons and Animals, Pokemon are the easiest to 'train' and 'domesticate', meaning that they can be fielded in much greater numbers than Digimon, Demons, and Personas/Personae. To balance this nunbers advantage, they are weaker than Demons, Personae, and Digimon.[/hider] [hider=Demons]The original race of monsters, Demons are born from human emotions and concepts, with the most powerful of them being called 'Gods'. Demons, when unleashed into an unsuspecting Earth, are fond of waging epic conflicts about Law, Chaos, and Neutrality, with some preying on Humans for food and spiritual energy, while others are relatively friendly to people. They can be 'contracted' by 'Demon Summoners', the original Trainers/Tamers/Chosen through bribery, persuasion, or Human-to-Demon combat. Note however that once the contract ends, the Demon can choose to turn against their 'employers'...[/hider] [hider=Personas/Personae]A subtype of Demon originating in the 'Collective Unconcious', individual Personas/Personae are born directly from the minds of human beings, and are less their own being, and more a distinct part of the psyche. This gives them a direct bond with people that allows them to be instantly powered by their wielder's emotions...[/hider] [B]III.Rules[/b] [hider=Rules]1.) No godmodding, powerplaying, metagaming, etc. etc. 2.) Note, there will be sexual themes in this RP, but anything above nudity is forbidden, because I don't want us to get banned. 3.) No OOC feuding! If you must argue, be respectful. IC, meanwhile, you can hate each other as much as you like as long as it doesn't seep over to OOC. 4.) Please notify me if you will be gone longer than a few days, I myself will let you guys know if I will be gone. 5.) Only one Digimon per Tamer/Digidestined, six Pokemon per trainer, and two Demons per fight for each Demon Summoner, but the latter can have five more in [i]reserve[/i]. 6.) Persona Users are allowed too; they can use one Persona per fight, but keep five more in reserve.[/hider] [B]IV. Character Sheet[/b] [code] [b]Name:[/b] [b]Age:[/b] [b]Appearance:[/b] (can use a picture or just a description) [b]Powers:[/b] (remember, keep it reasonable) [b]Weaknesses:[/b] (no exceptions) [b]Bio:[/b] [b]Theme Song:[/b] (not required, but I figured it would be nice to have the option) [b]Team of Mons:[/b] (Digimon Tamers/Digidestined only have 1 Digimon (which would be capable of Digvolution to Mega level), Pokemon Trainers can have 6 Pokemon (and their own version of Mega Evolutions), and Demon Summoners can use 2 Demons per fight, but keep 5 more in reserve, aka not used in a fight. These rules cover Persona Users as well - They are all Wild Cards. [/code]