Just when Burnet was about to head back out with his marker in hand the mission notification came up. Seeing that it woke up the intended target of his prank he quickly hid the marker in his pocket before she got close enough to notice it and casually changed directions heading the captain. The man had a good system going and Burnet not so secretly wondered what deal he had made with the Yardrats, though he had never openly asked him. He figured it might be smarter to at least wait until he actually had Tempest's trust before asking something that he could potentially use to start a rival business. Anyway it turned out the mission was to stop small slaver crew from bothering a planet's natives. It sounded simple enough and Burnet saw no reason not sign up since Fealt had been rather boring so far though one small thing bothered him. [color=00a651]"Why aren't they asking us to try and return the slaves already taken?"[/color] Sure it made things seemingly easier but he couldn't help but think someone was hiding something and given how little he knew about his two most likely team mates he figured it was better to know as much about the mission as possible.