[@BCTheEntity][@jbeil][@Andreyich] [I]Some time, and the gathering of several civilian women and one Arvus Lighter, later...[/i] Victorine hadn't realised how much she'd dislike standing around in nothing but her under clothing - a sleeveless top and pair of loose trousers in the colours of her priory - but is dawned on her as she watched the three not-quite-large-enough figures seemingly discussing with one another; she may not be an Astartes, but her armour was nevertheless much like a second skin to her, with or without the gift of a black carapace and numerous augementations. "Right," she said after a couple of moments, one hand running absent-mindedly over the hilt of her powersword, the other over the bolt pistol she would not be drawing unless absolutely necessary, "this is to be as quiet as possible, assume anyone not bound to be an enemy - should they not be, well, I daresay the God-Emperor shall know his own. We'll be landing on the roof of the palace, here... " she pointed to a marking on a piece of rough paper given to her in haste by the same stuffy Guardsman, "a rooftop entranceway and staircase lead to the armoury and barracks, both of which I assume will be thoroughly ransacked, and from there through to the living quarters and, eventually, to the Governors personal chambers." She gave everyone a quick glance, all seeming as eager as herself to get moving, "we shall take the Governor alive if we can, if this is impossible," she gave a small barely perceptible shrug in the shadows of the evening and gestured to the Lighter concealed behind a towering hab-block building close at hand, "let us get to it, ave Imperator." [hr] The Sister-Celestian watched patiently as the Lighter began it's descent toward the quite expansive rooftop of the Governors Palace, the air blowing her neatly cut hair as she stood easily at the open doorway to the flying vehicles cargo hold, the structure getting closer and closer - the simple vehicle doing well to keep its squat bulk from impacting with any of the many gargoyles, statues of religious importance, or spikes dotting the roof. [I]"I'm afraid you're going to need to jump!"[/i] Crackled the pilots voice over the comm-vox, [i]"we'll see you when you call us, best of luck, and Emperor protect you."[/i] Victorine prepared herself and jumped the last couple of feet, crumpling her legs up under her and rolling to a crouch, waiting for the remainder of her compatriots before moving with as much caution as she could toward the doorway marked on the page. "Epsilon 25... 79-12-15... Gamma Gamma..." She muttered to herself until the code-pad flashed a delightful green, pressing against the heavy access door until it gave way and swung open without a sound, the top of a stairway just visible. "Stack up on me, Lisbeth take point, there'll likely be sentries posted near the armoury. Prepare your minds, prepare your weapons. Blessed are those without doubt, and we are truly His servants and his judgement." The Celestian motioned for Lisbeth to take the fore, judging that she would be the most useful there due to her youth and size, "take us in, Sister."