[color=00aeef][center][b]SIGMUND[/b] [b]Centennial —> The Strip[/b][/center][/color] [hr] Oh? She was following? Instead of staying still and hiding away at their base, she was actually falling in line behind him? Well, it looked like being bound to a human might actually suck less than he’d expected. Just for that, he reevaluated his opinion and bumped her just that teeny bit higher on his mental checklist. Ain’t he benevolent? She even appeared to be receptive regarding his wisdom! This was a better start than he’d expected, really. Still… [color=00aeef]“You hear the words but you don’t get ‘em,”[/color] He was blunt in his assessment, brow furrowed. But then he shrugged and turned his gaze forward, dismissive. [color=00aeef]“Well, doesn’t really matter. I ain’t gonna hold your hand when it comes to living your life.”[/color] Hands stuffed in his pockets, Berserker simply picked up the pace, eyes scanning people as second nature. Trash, trash, trash. Boring, boring, boring. Man, how long did it take to run into something [i]fun[/i] in the modern world? His scowl became more and more pronounced the more time that passed — and of course, that resulted in more people steering away from him. He scoffed. Of course, it was full of weaklings too. What, can’t even handle a bad look? Then again, considering how Berserker took challenges, it might be for the best that he didn’t run into anyone headstrong enough to actually play chicken with him. Unfortunately, he could still feel frustration. Doubly unfortunately, a frustrated Berserker was still a dangerous Berserker regardless. But then— He looked off to the side, slightly upward, and cocked his head slightly at the bent-out-of-shape replica of the Eiffel Tower. [color=00aeef]“...That ain’t how it’s meant to look, I take it?”[/color] Well, his frown had certainly been turned upside down surprisingly quickly with just one event. Without missing a beat, he started walking in that direction. [color=00aeef]“Hey, girl, tell me if those things in the back of your hand start hurtin’ or something. That means another set’s nearby.”[/color] His hands finally left his pockets, if only so he could start cracking his knuckles. Of course, there was always the possibility that it had been an honest accident, but he wanted to trust his gut on this one. [color=00aeef]“Alright then, let’s kick things off strong!”[/color] [@GreenGoat]