[center][h1][b][color=AFFF33]Abel[/color][/b][/h1][/center] [color=AFFF33]"Wow~"[/color] William whistled as he took in the amount of plant matter strewn all over the streets. Where he was before, there weren't that many plants. Now he's seeing why all these heroes are moving about. There's a lot more Ambleweeds than he expected. Since it's a waste of time to even bother dealing with them, he ducked into another alleyway to reach his destination. [color=AFFF33]"Hahaha,"[/color] he chuckled to himself. [color=AFFF33]"I shouldn't have come out today."[/color] He walked through the streets devoid of people. The earthy smell reminding him of his excursions to mountains and forests. [color=AFFF33]"There is a chance that I can reach a nice conclusion if I follow the fortune through though."[/color] William could either head to the hotel and wait for this to blow over, or he can take a proactive stance and force an ending that benefits him entirely. He contemplated his next choice of action and then smiled to himself. He decided to use his power and manipulate fate to sway in his favor. He used it to lead him to the source of this mess by guessing which way he should go. The amount of times he nearly ran into the line of sight of Ambleweeds or heroes happened a bit too often for him to be completely comfortable with. Thankfully, his luck carried him here. A nudge so that they'd focus on each other because they ran into each other gave him leeway to travel unseen. [color=AFFF33]"This is pretty dangerous."[/color] He almost gave off a sigh of relief, but he stopped himself. Right around the corner he could hear the swaying of leaves and thorns. He doesn't know if they're watching the direction from where he can pop out, but he'll take the chance. He craned his head around the corner and saw a congregation of Ambleweeds surrounding a tall building wrapped in an absurd amount of vines. William's eyes widened at what was most likely the source of this sudden plant invasion. He had a curious frown on his face as he analyzed the building and the patrolling plants. [color=AFFF33]"Mmmmm, that's no good. No good at all. Don't have what I need to clean this place out."[/color] Honestly, he just wants this incident dealt with asap. With the city in a messy state like this, how can he go around investigating people's abilities? He placed his right hand on the right side of his neck and cracked it. A very satisfying pop rang through the air as he decided on the best course of action. William stepped right in front of the building where all the plants were. They sensed his presence and turned their sight towards him. Every single last one. [color=AFFF33]"Aha...!"[/color] The beginning of a laugh seeped out of his throat. [color=AFFF33]"You guys are really nothing but freaks aren'tcha?"[/color] He grabbed their attention and ran away from the building. Naturally, they chased after him. Using his power would work against him here. He gathered them all in a stampede against him. He ran down the street as they all vigorously tried to devour him. All William did was grin with wide, green eyes as he led them in a chase. [color=AFFF33]"Come and catch me if you can!" [/color] He was acting far too cheerful and positive for a guy who was being chased by carnivorous plants. [color=AFFF33]"The building should be freed up for heroes to fix that problem..."[/color] he muttered to himself as he looked back at the plants scrambling after him. There would probably be more in the building, but he at least did his civic duty to lure out a chunk of them. Maybe he can reward himself by relieving cash from others. People wouldn't mind that, right?