Strix kept on the comms, giving directions as the group made it's way to the skyscrapers. [B]"There are gunships ahead, so once we can get inside that will be our best bet for avoiding them."[/B] She paused a moment before asking, [B]"Diver, what counts as identifying a target? Do we need to seek and destroy the gunships, or do we need to have a clearer identification? Can we totally avoid them if need be?"[/B] After rounding the latest corner and coming across the enemy forces Strix quickly analyzed the situation. She could probably make the shot to hit the exposed heads of the armored drones, but with so many smaller androids and the groups own melee operators it will be chaos shooting into close quarters, and it may not even stop them. But beyond the armored drones, the arts ones may prove to be more dangerous. She moved to one side of the street, shooting the heads off two of the smaller droids as they advanced. [B]"Do it, Thrones. Let's take out the arts drones before they can cause any serious damage."[/B]