[center] [h1][color=violet][b][u]Cadien[/u][/b][/color][/h1] & [h1][color=8493ca][b][u]Neiya[/u][/b][/color][/h1] [/center] [hr] After exiting Evandra’s realm, Cadien decided to continue seeking out those he had met before the Separation. He had met Gibbou, Artifex, and Evandra already, so that really just left Neiya and Sirius. He didn’t really care for Sirius all that much, so the choice was obvious. The only question was… where was she? He began walking from portal to portal, briefly looking through each one to see if he could sense any familiar presences on the other side. Such efforts soon proved to be unnecessary. As he finished inspecting the fifth portal in a row, he turned away just in time to see the familiar figure of a horned goddess disappear through a portal on the other end of Antiquity. There was no doubting who that was, and so the God of Perfection leapt across the arena, and landed gracefully before the entrance. He took only a moment to dust himself off and fix up his hair, and then he stepped through the gateway. Cadien found himself immediately enveloped by a bleak and desolate landscape. Rolling plains of pale grass and grey dirt, withered trees dotting the landscape in isolated clusters. The only sign of life was the sizable river that cut straight through the ground, and seemed to vanish into the distance, an endless stream. That, and the Goddess of Love, who hovered languidly in the air above the river, arms outstretched as though she was floating on the water below. His entrance seemed to be enough to stir her attention, disrupting whatever strange meditation he found her undertaking, and the pale goddess spun slowly in the air to face the new arrival. Her eyes, briefly overtaken by a storm of blue, slowly dulled back to their usual tranquility. [color=8493ca]”Cadien.”[/color] her voice rang out across the realm, spoken with a gentle grace but still echoing endlessly in the endless landscape. Cadien surveyed the realm with a raised eyebrow. At first he thought something had gone wrong with it, but this was her realm, and if she had just as much power over her realm as he had over his own, then she had chosen for her realm to look like this. The scenery was certainly dreary, and definitely not to his taste, but he decided that didn’t make it flawed. This realm was not built with an outsider’s comfort in mind, so if an outsider like him was discomforted by it, then he supposed it achieved the intended result. Besides, the sight of the one he had come to meet easily made up for the bleak surroundings. [color=violet]“Neiya,”[/color] he replied, a smile returning to his face. [color=violet]“I am happy to see you again.”[/color] [color=8493ca]”Happy,”[/color] she repeated with a thoughtful, distant tone, watching the God of Perfection from afar. Slowly she drifted towards the edge of her river, lifting her chin as her feet lowered to slowly touch the ground, naked toes settling on the dirt. [color=8493ca]“I was looking for you, out there. I heard you. But our kin are-...”[/color] she paused to exhale deeply. [color=8493ca]“Obnoxious. Some, at least.”[/color] Neiya lifted her hand towards Cadien where he stood on the far side of the small plains separating them, her fingers rippling to a gentle closed fist. [color=8493ca]”I wanted to see you. And here you are.”[/color] The ethereal energies contained within the goddess’ realm worked to follow her motion, a gust of wind pushing against his back urging Cadien to either let it carry him towards her, or at the very least close the distance. Not one to let himself be carried, Cadien strode forward to approach her. [color=violet]“Apologies for not meeting you sooner,”[/color] he said as he walked. [color=violet]“I would have visited you first, had I known where your portal was. I never did have a chance to take you up on that invitation.”[/color] The goddess awaited his arrival with a regal lift of her chin, offering a frown of either real or feigned displeasure. Neiya lifted her hand to glance briefly at her nails, the power carrying her voice vanishing as he approached. [color=8493ca]”Think nothing of it. From the sounds of it, you had your hands full with the Mother of the Moon,”[/color] she offered with a resigned sigh. As her gaze lifted to glance at Cadien, it was expectant, indignant even. [color=violet]“Gibbou?”[/color] Cadien asked as he furrowed his brow. [color=violet]“Why yes, I have met her a few times. She helped figure out a way to let us gods reconnect with Galbar. And later she wanted help with one of her creations. Is something wrong?”[/color] Neiya released a long sigh, briefly lifting from the ground to let the air carry her just a little closer to Cadien. Her hand extended slowly, fingers drifting out to gingerly touch his shoulder and torso as she touched down once more. [color=8493ca]”I just don’t want you to let her trickery get to you,”[/color] she replied with a sadness to her voice, before raising her chin to meet Cadien’s gaze. [color=8493ca]”But let us not talk about her now, when time has kept us apart for so long.”[/color] Her other hand drifted up to lay gently on his other shoulder. [color=8493ca]”I was alone for so long, Cadien. I almost lost myself, living through the eyes of mortals.”[/color] The last vestiges of Cadien’s smile faded, replaced by a sad look of his own. [color=violet]“I know what that’s like,”[/color] he said sympathetically. Then he reached his arms around her waist and slowly pulled her in for an embrace. [color=violet]“But we’re not alone anymore, are we?”[/color] Neiya’s arms in turn climbed around his shoulders, her frown thinning and mellowing out slowly. [color=8493ca]”No, though I doubt I can convince you to linger with me here forever,”[/color] the horned goddess replied with a tinge of her resigned disappointment, though there was no malice to her words. [color=8493ca]”That is the nature of peace, though. Fleeting, and sweet. If we are ever to find such a moment, we cannot get lost in the maelstrom around us.”[/color] [color=violet]“That offer is more tempting than you think,”[/color] Cadien said to her, offering a thin smile. [color=violet]“I may not be able to remain here forever, but I will visit again, if you allow it. Besides, I have a realm of my own, and you’re more than welcome to see me there.”[/color] Her eyes tracked his face with a tranquil curiosity, and though she did not smile she left little silence in following with a question. [color=8493ca]”Is your realm anything like mine? I have only seen one other realm in full and it was-... a sea of colours. Intangible. Beautiful but unreachable.”[/color] An arm left Cadien’s shoulder to gracefully sweep out over her ashen plains and sullen trees, with only the soft sound of the river running to break the monotony. Cadien shook his head. [color=violet]“My realm is quite different,”[/color] he told her. [color=violet]“If you wish, we can go there now, and you can see it for yourself.”[/color] There was a short pause, as Neiya watched first her own realm and then gazed back at Cadien in thought. Eventually, the goddess proclaimed with a calm, but demanding tone. [color=8493ca]”I wish it.”[/color] [color=violet]“Then let’s make it so,”[/color] he let go of her and took a step back. [color=violet]“I never tried opening a portal between my realm and another god’s. Only from my realm to Galbar. But I suppose now would be a good time to try. With your permission?”[/color] Neiya watched Cadien with a transfixed gaze, only looking away to once more study her nails when he asked her permission. [color=8493ca]”You have it.”[/color] she offered with a quick retort. Cadien closed his eyes, and pointed an arm at the ground. Then, in one fluid motion, he brought his hand back up. Up from the ground, a door rose, made of the same wood as the various trees within Neiya’s realm. The only contrast was a golden doorknob, studded with an amethyst. Cadien reached for the knob, turned it, and then pulled the door open. Beyond it was another realm. [color=violet]“After you.”[/color] The pale goddess watched the door and what little she could see of the realm beyond, that curiosity seeming to overpower any languid attempts at remaining overtly mindful of her grace. Instead, Neiya lifted from the ground at his words, and gently hovered forwards to drift through the door with held breath, ice-blue eyes wandering to take in all she could of this new place. She found herself hovering in a large room, with black stone walls lined with golden candles and more doors. On one end of the room, to her left, was a large marble throne with soft purple cushions. On the other end was an opening which led into a hallway. In the center was an ornate mahogany dining table, and above that a golden chandelier. Cadien stepped through the door behind her. [color=violet]“What do you think?”[/color] The initial breath of surprise said more than the goddess herself would for a long time, as she spun slowly in the air in Cadien’s own demesne, gaze drifting over each new sight with intent and purpose. Lost in the magic of sighting new things, she hovered over towards the grand throne dominating the room with its mere presence, and extended her hand to touch every material at least once. Not long after, she drifted towards the golden chandelier in the ceiling, and gave it a tentative push with a ginger set of fingers. Finally, pleased with her initial exploration, she twirled back towards Cadien slowly and exhaled sharply before offering a question almost reminiscent of her first questions on the planet below. [color=8493ca]”You created all this? How did you think of it all?”[/color] Cadien had watched her exploration with a grin, but it quickly faded when she asked how he thought to make it. [color=violet]“I had time,”[/color] he said. [color=violet]“I built my realm up and tore it down again maybe a thousand times, trying to find the perfect design, and all of those were vastly different from what you see now. Eventually I went with the one I liked most. This one.”[/color] Brushing past Cadien’s own reflection on the effort, Neiya glanced over to a previously unseen feature of the grand estate as she replied with a simple but breathless [color=8493ca]”It was worth it,”[/color] before slowly drifting down to a level more conducive to carry a conversation, and refocusing her attention on Cadien properly. [color=8493ca]”Is it all like this? Is there more?”[/color] Cadien’s smile returned. [color=violet]“There is,”[/color] he said, offering her a hand. [color=violet]“If you would follow me. And don’t be afraid to walk; the floor is quite comfortable.”[/color] The horned goddess extended her own hand to gently take his, appearing hesitant for a few moments before she lowered further to the ground, her feet setting against the floor of the realm’s estate. That alone seemed to be a new sensation, and she glanced down as she momentarily found herself lost in dragging a foot over the carpeting in a measure of confusion and amazement. When that lost its initial novelty, she looked back to Cadien with a growing guilt on her features. [color=8493ca]”Please. Lead the way, Cadien.”[/color] So, he did. He led her to the other end of the room, and into the hallway, which had a marble statue of nearly every single one of Galbar’s sapient species. One of each gender, crafted in their most ideal physical form. The Merelli were among them, situated between the humans and the goblins. Neiya watched each statue in turn, tugging on the precarious hold they shared to approach the statues and take in the masterly depiction. She paused by the first Merelli statue they ended up by, free hand stretching out to touch the stonework gently. The goddess sighed softly, caught up in distant memories that seemed to lessen the toll her internal worries had on her features, and for a few moments her frown evaporated. [color=8493ca]”I fear they have forgotten me. I was… too caught up in my suffering. I never stopped to meet our own creation.”[/color] [color=violet]“They haven’t forgotten you,”[/color] Cadien assured her. [color=violet]“I heard some of their prayers over the years, and your name was often invoked alongside mine. When it wasn’t, I corrected them.”[/color] [color=8493ca]”You did?”[/color] she intoned rapidly, turning to look at her host and guide. [color=8493ca]”You truly are who I remember, Cadien.”[/color] the goddess continued, and laid her free hand against his arm briefly instead. [color=8493ca]”I’m sorry I could not say the same about myself.”[/color] [color=violet]“The Separation was hard on us all,”[/color] Cadien told her. [color=violet]“You have nothing to apologize for.”[/color] She nodded in turn, breathing a slow sigh and tapping his chest briefly before looking back up at the statue. [color=8493ca]”Perhaps I will do something for them, to show them that I haven’t forgotten them, either.”[/color] Neiya eventually voiced with a serene tone. Her head tilted, and she turned back her focus to Cadien. [color=8493ca]”This divine essence, did you send part of yourself down there?”[/color] [color=violet]“I did,”[/color] Cadien confirmed. [color=violet]“As we speak, he’s living among some mortals in the Highlands.”[/color] [color=8493ca]”Didn’t it hurt?”[/color] the goddess questioned quickly. [color=8493ca]”I’m not certain I could part with… such a fragment.”[/color] [color=violet]“No. It was a small sting, but nothing more. I barely notice it’s gone, most of the time.”[/color] He looked away for a moment, then back to her. [color=violet]“But to be truthful, I don’t blame you. In hindsight, it was a reckless act. I was just desperate enough to regain some sort of presence on Galbar that I was willing to overlook any potential risk.”[/color] [color=8493ca]”But if I’m with you, your fragment could accomplish things for me some time as well, perhaps?”[/color] The Love Goddess continued guardedly, sighing softly as she glanced between Cadien and the majestic statuary. [color=8493ca]”We could do things together, as before.”[/color] Cadien considered her offer; first with a guarded look on his own, but then his expression softened. [color=violet]“Together? That sounds… nice,”[/color] he said softly, before clearing his throat and resuming his normal voice. [color=violet]“Yes, I do believe I will consider it. In the meantime, perhaps we should get on with the tour?”[/color] The goddess acquiesced to his suggestion with a simple nod, and slung her arm around his gently. They continued down the hall, through the large double doors at the end, and out onto a smooth stone path which led through a grassy courtyard, enclosed by a black stone wall. Two stone fountains were placed in the center, and the yard itself was edged by colourful flower beds. Cadien did not stop, however, and instead led her down the path, past the two fountains, and toward the gatehouse. As they passed the threshold, Neiya would realize that the castle they had just exited was actually positioned on what appeared to be a floating cloud in a clear blue sky. A set of stairs continued downward, and the stone path resumed, carrying on to the realm’s exit portal. Then Cadien snapped his fingers, and suddenly the realm changed. Instead of a cloud, it was now an island, and instead of an empty void, the island was now surrounded by an ocean. Already the waves began to lap at the newly-created beach. [color=violet]“I thought this would be more to your liking,”[/color] he explained. The goddess has by all accounts seemed to enjoy the walk up until this point, gaze straying in idle examination of all that they passed, but now there was no mistaking it. The appearance of an ocean seemed to catch her entirely off-guard, and Neiya released a sharp gasp. For just a moment, a small smile spread out over her features, as the peaceful waves intoxicated and struck deep into her core. That brief warmth faded into a mellow serenity, and the goddess gently leaned in to lay her weight on Cadien’s side, twisting her head to lay her head against his shoulder. [color=8493ca]”You truly are the God of Perfection.”[/color] she voiced quietly, lingering in her quiet daze. [color=violet]“And you’re the Goddess of Love,”[/color] Cadien whispered. [color=violet]“Would you object if I kissed you?”[/color] Neiya lounged in silence for a time, before slowly untangling her arms from Cadien’s. The goddess did not move away however, and instead shuffled slowly to stand before him, gently pressing against each other. Eyes meeting his, eternally sorrowful even now, she responded with a simple and soft [color=8493ca]”No.”[/color] With permission given, Cadien stepped forward, once more wrapped his arms around her waist, and gently pressed his lips against hers. The goddess’ icy eyes closed slowly, and her hands gently ran up to rest against his shoulders. Caught at last, she responded in kind. The kiss lasted for several long moments, before eventually Cadien pulled away, but kept his arms around her. [color=violet]“Shall we go back inside?”[/color] he asked suggestively. Neiya hummed a soft agreement, beginning to move before he did. [hr] [hider=Post Summary] Cadien goes looking for Neiya, and sees her enter her realm. He decides to follow her. He goes through the portal, and the two enjoy a reunion. They talk a bit about recent events, and how they had both been hoping to find each other. Neiya then asks about Cadien’s realm, so he invites her to come visit. A connection is then created between both their realms, in the form of a doorway which they both go through. Cadien takes Neiya on a tour of his castle, and she loves it. Remembering Neiya’s love for the ocean, Cadien takes her outside and transforms Meliorem from a floating cloud isle into a regular island in the middle of an ocean. She is touched by this gesture, and then Cadien asks if he can kiss her. She consents, so he does. They both go back inside the castle. No Might spent. A connection now exists between Cadien and Neiya’s realm. [/hider]