[@1Charak2] Finally did a thing [hider=Ohohohoho] [center][img]https://safebooru.org//samples/2453/sample_1e3d5e057a9d702e02192959d29fb68809727f4d.jpg?2554506[/img][/center] [b]Name:[/b] Estelle Antoinette Échecs [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]Appearance:[/b] Standing at a five foot six, Estelle gives off an impressive, almost regal aura without having to seemingly try. Wearing the finest clothes, dressed in the finest silks and wearing the latest makeup, she never shirks on fashion. With a healthy build, pale blue eyes and long blond hair styled with black ribbons, calling her anything other than a beauty with a fine lineage would be a falsehood. [b]Personality:[/b] Estelle is, much as her appearance might suggest, is quite a haughty and well to do girl. She enjoys nothing but the finest things in life, and carries herself as such. Confidence, poise, eloquence, and quick witted. This colors her personality in no small ways, as one might imagine. That is to say, while she is for the most part friendly, she is quite a demanding and selfish little girl and always strives to be the best at all she does. She will accept no less from herself, or anyone else for that matter, and she always expects to be the first consideration people always have. This of course, means those who do better than her in anything are marked as a rival. A rival to defeat, a rival to overcome. A source of ambition in order to make herself better. When it comes to work, be it related to her families work, or schoolwork, she always gives it 100%. [b]History:[/b] Estelle is the daughter of a wealthy owner of the business simply known as the 'Queen's Candied Crown'. As such, from a young age she has always had her hand in the kitchen making various baked goods from cakes, donuts, muffins, and other regional treats learning the ins and outs of pastry making, business, and how to run things in an international global company. Unlike her current demeanor, Estelle was quite the shy crybaby as a kid. She was certainly not some heiress to a fortune, or some spoiled brat. One would be hard pressed to believe she was a kid that was bullied, stuck to trying to be as quite and unassuming as possible. It wasn't until the Yokai event ten years ago did she turn into the willful little princess she is today. She had been with her parents, visiting some now out of business bakery in Japan about some sort of business deal or something. She didn't quite understand it then, but her parents had left her mostly by herself in rented home in the city. She had been tentatively trying some of the fancier cooking tools - it had been her moms birthday and she was trying to make a cake for her. Almost all the electronics in the room seemed to go haywire. Next thing she knew, these little black armored creatures ran into the kitchen. About eight of them, all wielding these adorable little shields and spears. While most people might have been afraid of something, Estelle simply hid behind a counter, watching them for a few minutes while they looked around the room. For a few moments, it seemed like they had no idea what they were doing or even where they were at. They fumbled about the room, attempting to try the various cooking tools and a few had somehow managed to get cookie dough and cake mix all over them. A particularly clumsy one had tripped and fell face first into another. This little scene caused Estelle to laugh, and doubly reveal her location to the little black creatures. Understandably, she was first terrified...trying to run away, but the little black knights seemed more curious than anything else, and one even offered a hand to help her to her feet. They introduced themselves as a 'Chessmon' or something or another, she can't exactly remember. From there, a the kitchen became much livelier. Under her direction, the Chessmon began baking and within an hour under her direction, all of them had made a cake. - but such a happy memory was soon to be colored with something far less so. A large, bipedal bird like creature broke into the house, once again not really sure what was going on. The tiny Chessmon however, seemed immediately on guard, putting themselves between Estelle and the attacking creature. The fight was hardly even that. It was obvious the attacking creature was far more skilled and powerful than the handful of Chessmon. It was painful. She hadn't had many friends, let alone someone to have fun with. The chessmon had made her happy, and she was just powerless to do anything as they seemed to be slaughtered in front of her. She doesn't exactly recall what she said, or even what happened, but whatever she did it worked. The eight PawnChessmon roused themselves from the brink of defeat, gathering themselves and turned back the attacking digimon's attack. A particularly brave one leaped forwards, driving its spear right in the other digimon's forehead. And then they just vanished, and shortly after her parents came home to quite the mess. Of course they just passed it off as the musings of a child. After the event, Estelle started conducting herself in a manner similar to how she carries herself today. She began taking both her studies and the company seriously. Her shyness was replaced with her prideful and more demanding self. Her life had been fairly normal since then, and last year with her parents opening their first branch in Japan, she was sent to both help oversee things as well as finish her education there. [b]Partner Digimon: [/b] PawnChessmon (black) [b]Other:[/b] [/hider] [hider='Chessy'] [b]Level:[/b] Rookie [b]Appearance:[/b] A small knight like digimon that roughly resembles a knight and a pawn chess piece. [b]Personality:[/b] Pawnchessmon, affectionately nicknamed Chessy, is a knight through and through. An honorable, honest, and just warrior who fights for its lord - Estelle, in this case. Somewhat serious and a bit clumsy, it seems to have a certain lust for battle and seems to like toying with its opponents a bit. [hider=Digievolution Line] [list] [*]Fresh: [url=https://wikimon.net/images/0/02/Dodomon.jpg][u][i]Dodomon:[/i][/u][/url] [b]Signature Attacks:[/b] [b][u][i]Little Iron beads:[/i][/u][/b] Spits small, iron beads at an opponent. [*]In Training: [url=https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/digimon/images/9/9d/Kapurimon_b.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/340?cb=20090128050524][u][i]Kapurimon:[/i][/u][/url] [b]Signature Attacks:[/b] [b][u][i]Howling Blow:[/i][/u][/b] Generates a loud sound between its horns, creating a paralyzing sound. [b][u][i]Frothy Spit:[/i][/u][/b] Spits an acid foam at an enemy. [*]Rookie: [url=https://i.pinimg.com/564x/8a/03/04/8a0304e83fbe0584350c3d9ac19c23c6.jpg][u][i]PawnChessmon (black):[/i][/u][/url] [b]Signature Attacks:[/b] [b][i][u]Pawn Spear:[/u][/i][/b] A simple attack, stabbing an opponent with its spear [b][i][u]Pawn Buckler:[/u][/i][/b] A defensive attack, charging an enemy with its shield held up. [b][i][u]Pawn Lightning:[/u][/i][/b] Attacks with an impossibly fast strike, creating a shockwave. [b][i][u]Pawn Charge:[/u][/i][/b] Charges forward, intending on driving its spear into a foe. [b][i][u]Pawn Penetrate:[/u][/i][/b] A special charge attack that can supposedly penetrate any object. [b][u][i]Pyramid Formation:[/i][/u][/b] When around other Pawnchessmon, it can form a defensive line that can halt even devastating attacks from Ultimate-class Digimon. [*]Champion: [url=https://wikimon.net/images/b/bc/Knightchessmon_black_crusader.jpg][u][i]KnightChessmon (Black):[/i][/u][/url] Signature Attacks [u][b][i]Big Darts:[/i][/b][/u] Charges foe at a high-speed gallop. [u][i][b]Gallop Whole:[/b][/i][/u] Leaps high into the sky and lands with a blow that tramples the opponent. [u][i][b]Knight Lancer:[/b][/i][/u] A charge that impales its dart into an opponent. [*]Ultimate: [url=https://wikimon.net/images/4/40/Rookchessmon_black_crusader.jpg]RookChessmon (Black)[/url] [b]Signature Attacks[/b] [b][i][u]Stronghold:[/u][/i][/b] Slams its weight into an opponent, trampling and destroying them. [u][i][b]Rook Gatling:[/b][/i][/u] Launches a barrage of bullets at an enemy from its arms. [u][i][b]Castle Wall:[/b][/i][/u] Hunkering down, RookChessmon defends against all attacks. [*]Mega: [url=https://wikimon.net/images/c/c2/Dch-6-766_front.png]QueenChessmon:[/url] Signature Attacks [u][i][b]Heart Breaker:[/b][/i][/u] Impales a foe's vitals with a blade on its armor. [u][i][b]Grand Cricket:[/b][/i][/u] Smashes and crushes an enemy with its Queen Stick [u][i][b]Queen Stamp:[/b][/i][/u] Energizes demoralized Digimon and encourages them to keep fighting [u][i][b]Princess's Whim:[/b][/i][/u] Intimidates the opponent. [/list] [/hider] [/hider]