It would be a little while longer still before Gastrod would fully get used to the insistent beeping that he associated with the notifications his personal communicator received, a low enough volume that only he could effectively hear. In picking the device from his robes and fiddling with it until he eventually got it to show him what he wanted to know, it occurred to him that this little lunch break of his was pretty much over. With a general sense of how to approach this new mission, the namekian returned to the Scather, keen to gather as much intel from the ship's available systems as he could competently understand. Since these latest offenses affected multiple villages by the looks of it, it felt appropriate to confer with the onboard holographic map readings to get a proper visual representation of the settlements already hit and those projected as most at risk. For Gastrod, the idea was to pick the most outstanding one of the latter and station himself there. The idea did occur to him that searching through a previously assaulted village might allow him a chance to come across some manner of clue to where the victims could have presumably been taken, but he decided on saving that option for the possibility of the stakeout taking too long. "[color=DC143C]... There's no guarantee that the victims will still be alive by the time we arrive, little one. Our first objectives are to defend the natives who haven't been captured yet, and make contact with the trappers if at all possible. Anything else is too early to predict,[/color]" responded the namekian to Burnet's question, taking to his self-imposed responsibility to prepare the "budding lad" for the horrors of conflict with all the sobriety he could spare and none of the tact. After signing up for the quest, a task certainly expedited by the helpful operators nearby, Gastrod made his plan of attack known and patiently awaited for dispatch via Yardrat, his arms crossed in silent introspection. How his fellow fighters factored into the mission, he couldn't say nor did he feel it urgent to group up just yet considering how they didn't have a read on where the attackers were located. If the aggressors were indeed getting bolder with each hit, then he couldn't even discount the possibility that multiple settlements may yet be attacked at once.