[quote=@Anarion] Annalee pulls on Timmy's arm. She's bolting. Sam is under attack and she has no desire to defend him or be next. Timmy's shadow is doing something strange and that would be interesting, but it's also dangerous right now. "Timmy, come on!" she says and practically yanks him off his feet. She is leaving now and if he's not moving with her by now then he's getting left behind. Where to go, where to go? They need to find someplace safe. Someplace to take shelter. Abandoned classroom? Maybe one of the tower rooms. Annalee kept an eye open for a sanctuary. She really needed to make her own, but any small room would do the trick. They needed some place quiet to catch their breath and she needed a little time to work her magic. [/quote] That is, perhaps, the most sensible idea that Timothy's heard all day. He offered no resistance, letting himself get dragged stumbling out of the room. And as she pulled him out the door, into the light and (relative) safety outside, his shadow stretched into the study, growing ever-longer...