[Center][h2][color=FF4500]Rabi | Inside The Scather => Planet Karkon |[/color][/h2][/Center] [indent]The question Burnet had was reasonable, but her opinion on the matter they were discussing was... Quite different from Gastrod's. Only a weakling would succumb to slavery, they ought to fight until their last breath to uphold their own honor. There was an extent that Rabi could perhaps understand, but nothing currently provided gave her a reason to take much pity on the creatures that were captured. She wasn't in the mood to voice herself and get into any sort of disagreement over it however, so she'd keep her mouth shut and work towards getting the job done instead. Since she was now packed and ready to go. At least nobody was planning any sort of out-of-the way rescue mission. She was awaiting transportation with her two green... Teammates. When Brackus' buzzing caught her attention. He was joining in too? The insect wasn't exactly an individual she had taken much note of prior, but that went for just about everyone, so really he was on the same level as the Green Team. After a moment of registering his presence, she looked away, instead focusing back on Clementine. At least until she called the Yardrat, which marked the time for them to get going. [sub][color=FF4500]"Let's get this over with."[/color][/sub] She muttered, placing a hand on the Yardrat's shoulder. As amazingly useful as their abilities were, she hadn't gotten used to the whole 'hopping to other planets' thing. It was a bit jarring, though she'd adapt eventually. At least they were straight forward about their jobs: She couldn't argue with the results the little creatures pulled in. They might not have looked like much in the way of fighters, but they more than made up for it with this utility, didn't they? Rabi's eyes closed as the transmission began, having a preference for not witnessing the jumps. Once they reached their destination, she couldn't help but smirk at the Yardrat's words before he left: Oh, she'd give them hell. Though with their force increased to four members, she'd probably get a few less fights than she'd want. That was her problem and not anyone else's, however. [hr] Rabi noted Grippa eyeing Gastrod, and felt a slight inferiority complex come over her. Arms crossed, she stood as tall as she could; Still nothing compared to the Namekian in appearance, but she attempted to look the part anyways. She chose to bite her tongue instead of responding to Grippa's remark about not having to pay them if they failed; As if she did punt the creature across the landscape, that'd really compliment her job security and her reward for this mission. Another of Grippa's race put him in his place somewhat, so she'd consider that good enough this time. Annoyances aside, she took note that this Grippa seemed at least ready to fight for his home: She could respect that he was armed, even if he didn't look that dangerous. Maybe helping them wouldn't feel like an absolute waste after all? She was perhaps too hasty to come to a conclusion, but she wasn't about to start complimenting them or anything, considering they were still losing and apparently, losing hard. All these felines just needed to stand aside; Once the slavers arrived, they'd meet resistance they couldn't handle. Or at least her staggering over-confidence told her it'd be that way. [color=FF4500]"They won't know what hit them."[/color] She added to Brackus' words, as she began to observe the rocky landscape. She was just glad this place wasn't as bright as Fealt, honestly. Though maybe that was only because of all the clouds in the sky. As much as she appreciated good scenery, it'd make her day if she caught sight of a threat in the sky. Grippa said himself that the scouts might not be able to alert them, so she used her habit of checking behind her to her advantage as she scanned the area, wary of a fight that might be brought to them without them even knowing it. Though, it was more likely that these slavers weren't expecting them at all, with how smoothly things had gone so far. If they hit them hard, and fast, perhaps the sudden disruption and pressure would be too much for them to handle. She kept these thoughts in mind.[/indent]