[h2][b]OBLIVION[/b] - A Story Forgotten[/h2] [hr][hr] [h3]List of Players[/h3][hr][hider] 1. @LukasVolkov - Weapon of choice: Dagger - Posting status: Requires Update - Tentative title: Wraith of Dagger 2. @goodmode - Weapon of choice: Shield - Posting status: Requires Update - Tentative title: Revenant of Shield 3. @Ammokkx - Weapon of choice: Scythe / Saw / Shovel (undecided as of yet) - Posting status: Requires Update - Tentative title: Wanderer of the Void 4. @Undying Curiosity - Weapon of choice: War Hammer - Posting status: Requires Update - Tentative title: Seeker of Light 5. @SilverPaw - Weapon of choice: Staff - Posting status: Updated by GM - Tentative title: Nameless Savant 6. @PigeonOfAstora - Weapon of choice: Bow - Posting status: Updated by GM - Tentative title: Puppet of the Bow 7. @Odin - Weapon of choice: Kanabō mace - Posting status: Updated by GM - Tentative title: Rogue Soul [/hider]