W.I.P [hider=The Order] [b]Name of Nation[/b]: The Knights of the God once Revered and now Burned and Forgotten [b]Territorial Claims[/b]: [b]Species[/b]: The Croxen are the ruling species within the Order. They are large and resemble Bipedal Crocodiles, they are approximately 8 feet tall on average and 800-1000 pounds. They are often hunched in appearance and they speak in an odd mix of hisses and language that is very hard to speak and understand. The Croxen can hold their breath for a very long time and are naturally very strong, but they are not great at long distance travel on land, but can swim at a very quick pace. Religion: The Croxen worship an entity known as The Burned one (his true name lost to time) the Croxen have claimed that The Burned one shall one day manifest and take control of their state and lead them to an age of greatness. The Croxen believe that The Burned one was the one that raised their species into what it is now, from smaller crocodilian creatures inhabiting the regions where Croxen are native. The native wildlife of the Morion region is very prone to change in odd forms. [b]Population[/b]: 40,582,395 Less than 1 million in other species live on our coasts, in what is known as The Free cities. [b]Culture and Society[/b]: The Croxen culture is based around family and competition, the population will often host games of physical might and brawls, and even the state hosts games every year. The Croxen do not marry but they tend to stay together at least until any offspring they had, have reached maturity and they tend to have family gatherings at least once a year if not more. The Croxen consider male’s and females equal in just about everything, they get paid the same amount and are both allowed to be soldiers, officers and are eligible for the same political roles. [b]Government[/b]: The Croxen are led by a Monarch that is chosen from the previous leaders children through a contest of physical prowess. The current Monarch is King Athrigoa, he is large and brutish upon first glance, but can be very thoughtful and creative when the situation calls for it. Below the Monarch are a great deal of advisors and governors, many of which are related to or are close friends with the ruling monarch, but previous Monarchs have brought foreign advisors into their courts before. [b]History[/b]: The Croxen were a tribal society until relatively recently (being roughly a few centuries ago). The Croxen history only goes back roughly 800 years which is believed to be when the Order was formed. The Croxen tribes were unified roughly 800 years ago after a series of inner conflicts and alliances that has resulted in many years of unity and an almost completely united people. The very few external conflicts in Croxen history have mainly been by accident or misunderstanding, due to the croxen language being very difficult to understand. [b]Economy[/b]: The orders mountains are full of resources such as gold, silver, iron and coal. These vast deposits of resources allow the Croxen to fuel an ever growing industry. The Croxen currently use a gold and silver backed currency officially but many outlier areas mainly deal in traded goods and services. [b]Army[/b]: The army of the Croxen consists primarily of . The Croxen Army is Primarily designed for defence and has many small forts and outposts scattered throughout the territories of the order and a small number within the People’s Union of Rodentia. [b]Navy[/b]: The Croxen navies are relatively small and with less of a focus on ships of the line, and more light ships such as frigates. The Croxen navy only has a handful of heavy ships that are old but very well maintained and updated. Traits: [b]Foreign Relations[/b]: Luchmeyern: The Order, and Luchmeyern have become necessary allies, due to the gradually increasing anti monarchist sentiments. Though their alliance has been unsteady at times it has persisted. People's Republic of Rodentia: The Order is the overlord of Rodentia but it allows many freedoms towards its subject, and only demands small amounts of tribute for its protection. The Dastrian Confederation: The New Alkadion Accords- The accord was signed after a short war that ended with the Croxen becoming the overlord of Rodentia. The pact acts as a mix of a demilitarization of the Rodentian-Dastrian border and a regional defence pact. [b]Rolls[/b]: Land Area: 14 Land Fertility: 1+8=9 Social Development: 13-3=10 Technological Development: 19 Land Power: 14+2=16 Naval Power: 10-4=6 Economy: 14 Magical Reserves: 2 Magical Sophistication: 13-3=10 [/hider]