[hr][hr][table][row][/row][row][cell][indent][color=silver] [sub][color=986B40]"Ha!"[/color][/sub] Riley whispered as Maya stood in front of him, response-less, [sub][color=986B40]"I guarantee you no one cares what I say, dude. A chick just got shot and dude got... [i]knifed[/i], and there's demons. No one cares."[/color][/sub] [sub][color=1E46A8]"Shut up, [i]Hattie.[/i]"[/color][/sub] Maya gave a small 'tsk' as the gun continued to be trained on everyone-- while deflated slightly, she hadn't dropped the character. Yet. Then came the noise from upstairs. Maya gave a shrill, but contained 'yipe' practically jumping at the thump. As it became clear from the input of the others that that was one of... them. Maya, as if a switch had been flicked, immediately went back to hiding behind the teenager. He had, conversely, seemed [i]unsurprised[/i] by the noise, or at least unshaken. At the request of the woman treating knife girl's gunshot wound for [i]'Somebody to go kill it[sic]'[/i] a woman and a one of the men with rifles went up the stairs-- Riley followed far behind, intending to wait at the base of the stairs and see what he could. Maya's grip on the boy loosened as the boy took steps forward. [sub][color=1E46A8]"Riley! What are you doing? [i]Hattie.[/i]"[/color][/sub] The woman whisper-yelled. Riley shrugged. He figured they were trapped in this capitalist McMansion of excess no matter what while Red Dawn was going on outside. If one monster could get in, more could-- Riley would at least like to know if the one they knew of was headed their way if those two couldn't kill it. He moved slowly, not trying to creak any floorboards as he moved, but move he did. Maya's teenaged 'cover' was gone after mere seconds.[/color][/indent][/cell][cell][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/lYcLIGL.png?1[/img][b][color=silver]——————————————————————[/color][/b][right][color=1E46A8]MAYA STARLESS[/color] [color=986B40]RILEY LACEY[/color] [color=9873C9]TOM LACEY[/color][color=#2e2c2c][sup][sup]━[/sup][/sup]━━[/color][/right][b][color=silver]——————————————————————[/color][/b][/center][sup][color=lightgray] [sup][color=#2e2c2c]━━━[/color][/sup]🧭 Nowhere manor, Nevada [sup][color=#2e2c2c]━━━[/color][/sup]🕑 Evening [sup][color=#2e2c2c]━━━[/color][/sup]⛅ Red mist storm [sup][color=#2e2c2c]━━━[/color][/sup]🗣 Everyone[/color][/sup] [color=#2e2c2c]━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━[/color][/cell][/row][/table][table][row][/row][row][cell][indent][color=silver]She whined as he went, slumping against the heavy door of the mansion. Tom, on the other hand, was snapped to full attention by the more imminent threat of a demon being this close to them. His attention turned from the treating of the less pressing knife wound, admittedly for self-preservation, to the more pressing gun wound the girl had sustained. He had been trying to ignore it-- but luckily someone else hadn't. Clearly military trained-- she was already treating the wound with skill, despite a lack of supplies, and the less than ideal circumstances. Still... getting the bullet out was only half the job. To stop the bleeding and prevent infection they would need to cauterize. The idea of this worried him, as it would cause... [i]some noise[/i]... for sure. But not would probably be worse down the line. [color=9873C9]"I'll go see if this place had a private gas line... or... anything to start a fire."[/color] He primarily addressed the woman with the braids treating the girl who had been shot, but turned to the man with the knife wound and the others as he finished, [color=9873C9]"Both of those wounds will require sealing sooner or later-- ideally sooner-- and I'm not sure anyone has any actual, proper supplies for sealing them. Anyone want to come with? There may be other... [i]things[/i] lurking."[/color][/color][/indent][/cell][/row][/table][hr][hr]