[center][img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/11844121-70b4-40d4-8d27-6274ede736b1.png[/img][/center] [b]Several hours before the Rave…[/b] Violet sat in her study browsing various data feeds on her holographic displays, a frown marring her otherwise lovely visage. In just a few more hours, the rave would begin, and as yet, neither of the Mint’s agents had reported back on the status of their respective assignments. Violet still planned on attending, of course, but it would help to know who to look for, as well as to be familiar with all they were capable of. Casting her gaze to a screen displaying a Glimmer chatroom, she skimmed over a series of messages pertaining to the swiftly approaching social gathering. [table=unbordered] [row][cell][center][color=orange]StacyStitches[/color][img]https://i.imgur.com/Qia3o5X.jpg[/img][/center][/cell][cell]Hey guys! So, who's gonna be at Vi-Chan's rave tonight? I'm definitely going. It sounds like its gonna be a ton of fun, and we might even get to meet Vi-Chan herself! Personally! I can't wait![/cell][/row] [row][cell][center][color=orange]RedEyeWitch[/color][img]https://i.imgur.com/KO4piHW.jpg[/img][/center][/cell][cell]Eh, I might show up. I'm not really one for parties, and I can't even begin to figure out everyone's obsession with Vi-Chan, but a possible rumble with some Beacon Bitches sounds like it could be somewhat entertaining...[/cell][/row] [row][cell][center][color=orange]DancingQueen[/color][img]https://i.imgur.com/aQvparO.png[/img] [/center][/cell][cell][i]I'll[/i] be there, of course, strutting my stuff on the dance floor! I've been told my performances are quite mesmerizing, and it's no lie! When I get going, you won't be able to keep your eyes off me! Don't worry, though! I love the attention![/cell][/row] [row][cell][center][color=orange]Number1BMG[/color][img]https://i.imgur.com/Km8HYlS.jpg[/img][/center][/cell][cell]Ha! You only think you're hot stuff because you've never had any real competition! As the Best Magical Girl[sup]tm[/sup], I'm the greatest at everything, and that includes dancing! Just wait until [i]I[/i] step out on the dance floor, I'll put your best moves to shame! Just try not to cry too hard![/cell][/row] [row][cell][center][color=orange]RedEyeWitch[/color][img]https://i.imgur.com/KO4piHW.jpg[/img][/center][/cell][cell]Oh great, [i]this[/i] bitch showed up... If [i]she's[/i] going to the rave, I think I might pass...[/cell][/row] [row][cell][center][color=orange]StacyStitches[/color][img]https://i.imgur.com/Qia3o5X.jpg[/img][/center][/cell][cell]Hey, don't miss it on little miss perfect's account. I mean, she probably won't even show up! After all, has anyone ever seen her in action? She's always on these boards like a rash, but I don't know of a single person that's seen her IRL. TBH, I'm actually kinda curious to see her in person. Y'know, to make her prove she's as great as she claims.[/cell][/row] [/table] [hr] Violet rolled her eyes. She wasn't even remotely impressed by this so-called "Best Magical Girl". She appeared indistinguishable from the typical internet troll with an over-inflated ego. In fact, as far as Violet was concerned, they were [i]all[/i] nothing more than immature attention seekers. Well, if all went according to plan, they would have their attention drawn to something far different this night: The public interrogation and execution of whoever had foolishly dared to attack her family. Her request to take the Violet Princess for a “test drive” had been quickly approved, and both the prototype drone and its linked VR piloting system were fully prepped and awaiting launch. Now, if only her associates would hold up [i]their[/i] end… Just then, the voice of her butler dissolved her musings. “Miss Covington,” he called out, his normally imperturbable voice containing a not insignificant tone of dismay. “What is it, Winston?” Violet asked, slightly unsettled by her butler’s noticeable change in demeanor. “It is your father, Miss,” the butler explained. “I am afraid he has suffered a heart attack. He is in his room now, and the physicians are attending him.” Violet gasped sharply. “Take me to him,” she ordered, rising swiftly to her feet. “At once, Miss Covington.” … … “Father!” Violet exclaimed upon entering her father’s bedchamber. “Ah, there you are, my princess,” the elder Covington replied weakly. “Come, sit here beside the bed for a moment. I have something I wish to discuss with you.” “Are you all right, Father?” Violet asked as she made her way over, her voice filled with concern. “Winston said…” “I am fine, Violet,” he told her, his tone firm and reassuring, despite his clear fatigue. “It was just a small heart attack due to stress. A good night’s rest and, by morning, I shall be good as new. Now then, doctors, if you could leave us for a moment, I have some private matters to discuss with my daughter.” Bowing respectfully, the collection of doctors and medical personnel filed out of the room, leaving Violet alone with her father. “Violet, this is an important time for the company,” he began. “Many key projects are swiftly nearing completion and several important operations will soon begin. While my current situation is only a minor inconvenience, it has led me to realize that I must always be ready to pass on the mantle of leadership to you, my daughter. I have trained you well, Violet, and you were always an attentive pupil. I have no doubt in my mind that you are ready to assume your birthright, and I know you possess the same certainty. I just wished for you to hear such words from [i]me[/i]. I am so very proud of you, my princess,” he told her warmly as he gently stroked the top of her head. “Under your guidance, our company will soar to heights undreamed of.” “T-Thank you, Father,” Violet said softly, fighting back tears. “Your approval means the world to me.” “You are fully deserving of it, my princess,” her father replied. “Now then, I do not wish to occupy any more of your valuable time. You may leave me in the doctors’ care and return to more pressing matters.” “I-If you will permit it, Father, I should like to remain here and care for you personally. As your daughter, it is my responsibility to stay at your side in times such as these.” “Very well,” her father said with a pleased smile. “I believe your ministrations will be worth more than those of the entire medical staff combined.” “A photographic memory is certainly a valuable asset, Father,” Violet noted with a slight smile. “Indeed,” her father concurred, “but for now, let us just rest for a while.” Taking her father’s hand in both of her own, Violet gave a small nod. “Of course, Father.” Despite the seemingly tranquil atmosphere, Violet’s thoughts raced at a frenzied pace. Was it [i]really[/i] just stress that had brought on her father’s heart attack, or was something more sinister at work? Perhaps whatever contemptible force was responsible for her father’s nightmares had done this? Now that their nightmare attacks were being repelled by the Mint’s amulet, perhaps they had decided to try more aggressive tactics? And what of the recent security breach in the testing chamber? Were these incidents all related, somehow? And who was behind them? Some lone magical entity with a grudge against her father, for reasons unknown, or an old adversary, like Lodovico Demiris? Regardless, she knew [i]one[/i] thing for certain: she needed more knowledge, and that meant she needed to arrange another appointment with Al Scarpe…