For a fraction of a second, as Beelzemon took wing, there was a flash of savagery in Rodendramon's eye. It only lasted for the moment, but it was much like the reaction a dog would have to seeing the object of its frequent beatings. However, as Parasimon and BanchoLeomon spoke, Rodendramon simply laid his head on his foreclaws, listening idly as his gaze was tilted to the eerie, fog wreathed skies. Though the insectoid Knight's departure seemed imminent, as he seemed to have a bead on something, Rodendramon's mouth plate scraped open, "[color=dfd8bf][b]Query: Utilization of remote sensors in order to locate additional allies while holding current position. Valid?[/b][/color]" There were a few other things on the beast's mind, but they made his head hurt. There was something incongruous in the presence of the Beelzemon, though Rodendramon himself was unaware of what the reason could be. All the power and knowledge his two constituent parts could possibly possess, alone or together, and yet he was not much more than a newborn. At the mention of the term 'safe mode', the placated Digimon shifted his gaze to meet that of BanchoLeomon. "[color=dfd8bf][b]'Safe mode' is perhaps the most accurate phrase for the current situation,[/b][/color]" the Digimon's hollow voice sounded out yet again, "[b][color=dfd8bf]I am unaware of what lead to the current situation prior to the appearance of Subject: Synthetic Digimon Millenniummon. Subject: Human 'Jordan' is inoperable at the current time. I do not know what has caused my formation. I only know[/color] [color=9e0b0f]fury.[/color][/b]" Another stray thought or two passed Rodendramon's mind, but they did not seem relevant. The posture of the beast, even as he extended his whiskers for a second cleaning, bespoke a deep unease. That it felt the screams of the dying earth were of no consequence now. The events its mind shared with those inside did not matter now. This 'Dorugoramon''s identity was of no importance to Rodendramon, though it was a curiosity, as it seemed absent from its data-banks. No, what mattered was ending this Synthetic Digimon at all costs, even if it meant sacrificing the entirety of its digital mass in the process.