[@LukasVolkov]: That argument is fundamentally flawed. On multiple levels, actually. The Nasuverse has a confirmed precedent for noting that Servants closer to the Age of Gods are more powerful than those of the modern era, as we can clearly see by Gilgamesh's power relative to... Pretty much everyone that might fall under the 'modern' bracket. What you're essentially describing—at least, as far as I can tell—is that an Olympic archer could shoot as well as an ancient-era archer on horseback, regardless of scenario. Even placing aside relative skill, you cannot say with the utmost confidence that you could place the two into the same in-combat scenario and expect ANY sort of comparable result. Or, if we want an example focused around Heroic Spirits, comparing Orion and William Tell. A man who can hunt and kill any thing alive, as opposed to a guy who shot an apple off the top of his son's head? No contest, match in Orion's favor. It just doesn't work. Period. Also, yeah, what Rain said.