[hr][hr][center][h3][b][color=a187be]🌈 Leda Storm 🌈[/color][/b][/h3][img]https://i.postimg.cc/xjXLKy1x/original.gif[/img][hr][b][color=a187be]Location:[/color][/b] Greyhound Bus [b][color=a187be]Skills:[/color][/b] N/A [hr][hr][/center] [color=a187be]"I could ask Rebecca if she'd do it,"[/color] Leda offered Zeke, smirking slightly. Her girlfriend was a daughter of Hecate. Just thinking about her, Leda's hands went to the witch pendant she wore around her neck. It had been a present from Rebecca, supposedly symbolizing power through spirituality. That was one of the qualities they had in common - an appreciation for the unseen, spiritual elements of life. [color=a187be]"But then again, you already have certain pig like qualities, so maybe magic isn't needed."[/color] Had she started this round of antagonizing him? Yes. Did Leda regret it, teasing him right after he had healed her? No. She'd likely feel a bit remorseful for it later, but she was impulsive. She lived in the moment and tried not to dwell on things. Kristin at the very least was willing to play the game. [color=a187be]"Zeke and who else? You need to give three options,"[/color] Leda explained. [color=a187be]"So for example... Zeke, Chiron, Argus. And then you have to pick who you'd F, who you'd marry, and who is making a trip to the Underworld."[/color] She then thought for a moment over that group. Argus was rather silent, but he had good taste in music. Chiron was too much of a teacher figure and she didn't go for the school girl scenario. [color=a187be]"Marry Argus... F Chiron, kill Zeke... Now your go, Kristin - the Fates, the Muses, aaaand the Kindly Ones."[/color]