[center][color=f7976a][h1][b]Elron A. Prescott[/b][/h1][/color] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/a5/2d/6a/a52d6a2f961c30c0ac075a894e9eb612.jpg[/img] [h1][color=f7976a]╚══════════════╝[/color][/h1] Of course she knew nothing, Odessa wasen't the smartest one in the room. Then Zoey started freaking out she just coulden't handle the truth! Or the supposed truth it really depended on your opinion in the matter, she wasen't impressed and no one else was with Elron's spiel and it looked like this bubble was about to burst with their departure. That would be a terrible mistake, no one knew what lurked out in the empty streets of Paradise nor the situation that they were in. Atleast Odessa confirmed his theory, they were here for something special. If something wanted them dead they could of crossed them off easily as they could of teleported them to this mysterious city. Elron removed the badge from his belt again and slid it across the counter to Odessa. The [color=f7976a][i]Eye of Providence[/i][/color] was closed (which was never a good sign), but he didn't notice because of the fuss that was unraveling before his very eyes. [color=f7976a]"[b]Careful[/b] now."[/color] Elron said to Zoey as his tone finally got serious and now to his newest detractor the pretty little blonde who was supposedly threatened by his entrance into the bar or perhaps his antics. It challenged his authority, so her immediate detraction and childization of the situation was her only way to regain power over those she exerted it over which appeared to be Zoey. [color=goldenrod] “She says we’re all extra-normal, and Special Agent Scientologist over there works for the Ghostbusters. Y’all wanna go ahead and magic us a quick way out of the city?” [/color] [color=f7976a]"You have no clue what's out there, running around aimlessly alone or with your pal here is only going to accomplish your utter and ugly demise. You could open this bar door right now and walk out in a completely different town, or as you hopelessly tread through this bleak existence we're now living in you run into something that feeds on people like us. You may feel invincible but when a Eldtrich Shifter is tearing you apart you won't be, and none of us want to be the ones to find your sad discarded corpse in this hell hole. Or be the ones to fight you if you become one of these creatures you so desperately want to escape from.[/color] It was a brutal fucking reality, maybe some didn't see it but going on alone or in a pair was inadvisable. It's not something Elron could let slide, especially in a situation like this. Zoey wasen't thinking and neither was this beautiful feisty little blonde bitch, it didn't matter who they were or where they were from. Surviving this is what mattered, at any cost. He briefly removed his memo book to make a entry before putting it away. [i]♫~Yeah, you know you got to help me out Yeah, oh don't you put me on the back burner You know you got to help me out Yeah, you're gonna bring yourself down~♫[/i] [color=f7976a]"Maybe it's too much to ask but there has to be some trust here, if anyone is going walk back to where they belong. It's short notice and I'm sure not everyone is so eager to come together and sing kumbaya especially with me, but you have no choice. If you walk out there alone, you're guaranteed to kick the bucket. Our only chance at getting out and finding out why we're here is to work together, I agree sitting around and talking isn't going to fix out problems. If we're leaving this bar we're doing it all together.[/color] The blonde made Elron's blood run hot around the back of his neck, he wasen't sure if it was in the good or bad way (if there was any difference). He removed another cigarette putting it in his mouth as he struck a match off the counter lighting it. He exhaled smoke upwards with some violent aggression. [color=f7976a]Anyway... I'll take your money when we get out Mao." [/color] he said not looking at her to avoid a brainover load. [color=f7976a]"What even is Extra-normal anyway, isn't that just being afflicted?"[/color] They weren't dead, this was worse than being dead. [/center]