Elizabeth can hear sounds of the crickets while she's opening up her window, she grab her suit case and throw it out of the window. Beth stick her head out to see if the case is broken or something that makes all of her clothes and stuff pop out but thank goodness, they didn't pop out, nor her case is not damage. Beth grab her blanket that is tie to fabrics from her bed, when she chuck that out of the window, Beth heart stops when she hear something outside of her room, could it be someone?...Is that someone her mother? [color=8493ca]"...Oh no...Oh no, no, no, no!" [/color]Beth whisper panicky, her legs shake when she step on the edge of her window [color=8493ca]"If they do this on tv...Then I can do it too!" [/color] Beth say to herself as she carefully climb down from her room and into the front yard. Elizabeth grab her case and dash toward the front gate, as she is running, she can hear someone scream and yelling that Beth is missing, she wonder if that was one of the maids or her mother but she doesn't care, she pull out her key of gate, unlock and there she goes, Elizabeth "Beth" Azurine is out of her cage! As Beth runs toward the forest, she start laughing and doesn't know why but she doesn't care, she's out! she's free! she is....finally free. when realization that she is out, Beth doesn't know what to do now, her only plan to break out, she doesn't know what hotel she is going to stay at nor how much money she have on her. Beth sit down on the grass while she put her hands on both sides of her head, she sigh [color=8493ca]".....What I'm going to do now?...." [/color] Beth thoughts of a next plan were short however, as she spot a glowing ring opened up beneath her, she didn't have time to react, she just fell into the ring, falling into whatever waits for her below.