Shutter, Shutter, Shutter. The wonder bug that was a living nightmare against anything slower than her glassy wings. It had been awhile since her last real battle, though Lark didn't consider her an option for a four-way battle for even a moment. Battling with her was a very technical endeavor, and not something he saw himself pulling off when there were three other pokemon against her. He needed someone aggressive, someone who could handle the chaos of that kind of battle and add to it just as much. He looked at the pokeball pertaining to his only other choice. "We're really doing this, huh. Guess it's Flash for me." He thought about letting him out inside the pokemon center, but multiple incidents in the past regarding Flash and tight spaces all pointed towards it being a horrible idea. How did that one expression go, [i]like a bouffalant in a china shop[/i]? He was lucky that the pictures from that one time went viral and paid for themselves.