[center][h1][b][color=C9A486]1[/color][/b][/h1][/center] ‘You are here now, and experience is the best way to learn,’ said Amber, as she leaned back in her chair and started working on Jack’s holster again, as if nothing out of the ordinary was taking place. ‘Well, that is true,’ Jack glanced around at the grotto, ‘but we are kinda stuck here at the moment.’ ‘Not for long. The Preeminent of the Kings Legion will have received word of the guard’s death already. A deployment of Sleuth Soldiers will arrive in Greenfalls soon enough. Then it will only be a matter of time before they convince one of the residence to tell them where we are hiding. I say we have a day, probably less, before we need to move on.’ Jack considered this, brow furrowing with thought as he watched Amber cut the leather. ‘Just… hold up.’ He shook his head as if attempting to ward off a delusional thought. ‘How far is the King and his Preeminent from here?’ ‘Five to seven days by foot,’ said Amber, glancing up from her work, ‘one or two days by horse or carriage, under best conditions.’ Jack was very confused by this. His brow furrowed sharply. ‘You just told me they would be here in town within a day. How? And how does one in this day and age manage to send word to someone so far away so quickly? You got a phone hiding around here or something? An airfield nearby?’