[quote=@The World] [@PsyBlade] Heh, I'm glad you found it funny. [@1Charak2] Well, it would either be Renamon turning into a cat or Kyubimon turning into a cat, so I went with BlackGatomon to foreshadow her Mega. [@Raineh Daze] I hate to be "that guy," especially when you were already accepted, but I'm personally curious if you plan to warp digivolve past Ultimate into Mega, or if you're refitting Beelstarmon to be an Ultimate, since she's normally a Mega... Again, not trying to start anything, just wondering. I'm sort of wary of asking since last time I did it caused some trouble with a GM of another digimon RP. [/quote] You make a good point foreshadowing the mega. Well then besides that, Your totally accepted! Also yes, Rain cleared it with me prior, as we both game to the conclusion that the ultimate stage was a bit of a mess in terms of bridging from sistermon -> BelleStarmon, so I agreed that since X existed as a much more powerful version it would make sense to retroactively move Bellestarmon (OG) to the Ultimate slot for a more through-lined progression.