Darin found herself pressing close to Ridahne with wide eyes. People were looking at them with stunned expressions. They knew that they didn’t belong. She and Ridahne were outsiders, and Ridahne wasn’t helping with her defensive position and her knifes out ready for an attack. They were drawing more attention to themselves then Darin wanted to. A burly looking man narrowed his eyes shrewdly as he took half a step towards them. Darin instinctively pressed closer to the warrior. She wasn’t sure what she should do. Maybe they could play this off. Maybe there was a way to hold on to the lie. Should she even try to hold on to the lie. There might not be any point. Darin’s whisper was tense as she spoke in an obscure dialect of Azurei that she could only hope Ridahne knew, “The trees. They know who I am the same way the animals do. They were trying to make me feel at home. I got them to stop. I think they are excited that I’m here. I don’t think they understand subterfuge. Even if they did, they are just glad I’m here to visit.” Her accent was terrible, “Please put the knifes away. I don’t think they are helping.” The burly man called out in Eluri, “I saw you yesterday human, learning the bows, and being polite. Who are you?” Darin swallowed as she shakily replied, “Martin. Martin Lively.” The burly man advanced as Darin let out a squeak and hid between Ridahne and Mitaja, “You know it’s rude to lie don’t you human? Why are you here in Lihaelen?” Darin was terrified and didn’t know why. Everyone in this strange city had been perfectly polite. They had given no indication that they would treat her badly if they found out she was The Seed-Bearer. That might even honor her the way the Workers at The Farm had. She just wasn’t sure it would be worth losing her anonymity. One person could keep a secret. Two might could keep a secret. When more people knew the secret there were more chances for it to come out. Darin wasn’t sure all of Astra needed to know who she was just yet. She had just started her journey after all. She was hoping to get to Azurei before her identity became widely known. ^_^ The emergency council meeting was the fastest the Council of the Seven Winds had gathered. Most were still in their night clothes. All were in disarray. Not a single one of them had been aware that the trees of the forest were aware enough to know what was going on, much less speak to the people of Lihaelen like they had just done. There were so many questions that this event alone raised. Almost none of these questions had answers. Why had the trees done this? What would The Seed-Bearer think of this? Would it be possible to keep The Seed-Bearer’s identity under wraps? Should they seek The Seed-Bearer to honor her? Had The Seed-Bearer caused this? What had even happened? What was the best course of action for the Elves of Eluri? Was damage control possible? What even was damage control at this point? President Lilain asked, “As anyone meet her yet? Or even seen her?” Goran was quick to answer, “I have.” Hosh quickly asked, “What was she like?” Goran shrugged, “She looked like farmboy in over her head. She had no knowledge of our customs because she clumsily matched my bow of noble to farmer.” Mayling jumped in, “Are you sure she didn’t know?” Goran pointed to Isaac, “Mr. Armin reported that she was eager to learn the bows and was a passable student. She’s going by the name Martin Lively.” Juliana commented, “So she’s not looking to be known.” Goran shook his head, “I don’t think so. I think she wants to learn and know; not be honored and praised. She’s young, even for a human.” There was silence for a moment before the president spoke again, “Mr. Armin. Go see if you can fetch her. Other aides will go fetch any other visitors to Lihaelen that arrived yesterday. Let’s see what we can discover.”