There was nothing. Well there was [i]something[/i] here, but it seemed like nothing. There is always something, even if that thing is nothing itself. Is that too philosophical? I mean, there isn't anything else left to think of except things like this. There was a time where I would only imagine what my body looked like in this [i]nothing[/i]. I'd wave my arms, kick and knee but I wouldnt see anything, something was blocking my vision or clouding it. At this moment, in my minds eye, I can see my breath flowing out in every exhale, swarming around in expanding spirals, like hot breath on a cool night. Opening my eye to look at my breath would prove fruitless, as I would see the [i]nothing[/i]. This [i]nothing[/i], as I've grown to know it as, is my enemy. I know this because a friend would talk to me and answer the questions I ask, [i]Nothing[/i] doesn't talk to me nor answers my questions. I've tried asking politely and it silences me, stealing the very sound that I produce. I've tried attacking with the large hammer in my left hand, but again, it steals the very power that I draw forth. It steals from me. It is an enemy. Do you know who isn't and enemy? That voice. It must be good; I need it to be good. For if [i]Nothing[/i] is my enemy, I must make allies because I can't defeat it on my own. If the voice is also my enemy, I will undoubtedly fall into something far far worse than [i]Nothing[/i]... Despair. I guess I have no choice but to find out, I've only been suspended here for one eternity, but I think it's about time I do something. 'Ok, you got me. I'll answer the call.' My thoughts are sent into the void in hopes that my broken resolve hasn't scared the voice away. Hopefully it takes me and gives me the strength that I need to defeat [i]Nothing[/i], releasing me from the numb sensation that it fills me with. This is where my philosophy is transformed into faith. Faith in the call. 'Oh...light. This must be the must'