[center][h1][b][color=C9A486]2[/color][/b][/h1][/center] ‘I don’t know what a phone or an airfield is,’ said Amber with a small smirk, picking up on his sarcastic tone, ‘but we are talking about the King and his Workers. They have means beyond common folk.’ She paused, and added, ‘Royal Magic. And one should not forget, the other guard posted in town has a direct channel to the Preeminent.’ ‘Of course he does….’ Jack sighed. He didn’t bother to pursue the matter. Amber placed the next leather cut-out on the stack of other pieces she had cut. She pushed the stack neatly aside, looking at Jack from the tops of her eyes as she did so. His mind seemed a million miles away, maybe even a little scared. ‘We’ll be fine,’ she said, ‘the labyrinth of tombs can take us quite some distance before we need to surface. I am very proficient in illusion. Stick with me and they won’t catch us.’ She looked at the Chilli. ‘And don’t forget, we have a dragon as our friend now, any attack on us will need to be carefully reconsidered.’ Jack looked at the Chilli as well, she was nestling down to sleep again. ‘I’m not really worried about that,’ he said, giving Amber a slight smile, ‘I’m sure we’ll be fine. I’m just a little unclear about the situation. And a little concerned about other things.’ ‘What other things?’ ‘I haven’t heard from my people yet.’ ‘But they are far from here?’ She questioned him, showing the same confusion he had displayed for her a few minutes beforehand. ‘We have our ways,’ he said with a wink, before his expression became sober, ‘but they are taking far too long. Something’s wrong. They would have contacted me by now if they could. The fact that they haven’t is… bothering me.’