[center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/682678547374145573/684583633100865536/97b22764970c1985ad4f7b573619b7c7.png[/img] & [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/682678547374145573/684596178205278220/heartflame.png[/img][/center] [hr] Oraelia found herself alone after a time. Gibbou had left her for now, Genesis was still asleep and she found herself often busy fixing and helping mortal issues. Slowly she began to crave a conversation, mix up her current predicament. Her mind began to wonder on just who to contact. There was… Enmity but that didn't feel right. She needed someone who was more life than machine. There was Yamat but then again she suspected he had been the one to bring tornadoes to her prairie. There was no one else who had been there. There was Firinn but he was just too… Emotionless. Then it clicked with her and she reached out to her younger sister. She felt her familiar presence and spoke into her mind. [Color=gold]"Evandra love! How have you been?"[/color] she asked. [color=ed1c24]“Is that you Oraelia? I’ve been doing better since Cadien woke me up. Are you speaking from your Realm?”[/color] Hearing her voice was a breath of fresh air, and Oraelia, from where she sat on her porch, stood up and leaned on the railing. [color=gold]”Indeed I am!”[/color] she said to Evandra, [color=gold]”Would you care to visit?”[/color] she asked, perhaps a little too aggressively. [color=ed1c24]“Of course. There’s little to do here in any case.”[/color] Evandra stood up from her bed and made her way to Antiquity. She passed by each portal until she could feel Oraelia’s presence and entered her Realm. The scenery that greeted her was nothing short of breathtaking. Lush green, flowers blooming in varying colors and birds singing. All of this was accompanied by the sound of rustling leaves and a flowing stream nearby. [color=ed1c24]“Goodness, this place is…”[/color] She let out as she took it all in. She was then attacked by Oraelia, who had zoomed to her in her domain form before changing at the last second to hug her sister fiercely. [color=gold]”Evandra! I missed you!”[/color] she said. [color=ed1c24]“Wha-”[/color] The sudden appearance of her sister startled Evandra. She recovered from the surprise and let out a giggle as she returned the hug. [color=ed1c24]“I missed you dearly as well, Oraelia.”[/color] [color=gold]”You said Cadien woke you up? Does that mean you slept as well?”[/color] Oraelia asked, rubbing her cheek with her own before pulling back to look at her. [color=ed1c24]“Yes. After I built my Realm I fell into a deep slumber. I don’t know how much time passed while I was in the void, but by the time he woke me up it had already been two millenia. It wasn’t a comfortable sleep either. How did you fare since the exile?”[/color] [color=gold]”I was pulled into a dreamless sleep. I felt nothing until I awoke. Nothing at all.”[/color] she put a hand on Evandra’s cheek, [color=gold]”I’m sorry to hear it wasn’t comfortable. I believe everyone had a different experience. Some stayed awake… Others slept. But… We’re here now and awake.”[/color] she said, giving a small smile. [color=ed1c24]“Yes, we are. And that’s what matters now.”[/color] Evandra returned the smile. [color=ed1c24]“So, aren’t you going to invite me into your home?”[/color] [color=gold]”Of course! But we must be quiet, you see, a young Goddess stays with me. Though she is divine, she is but a child in mind and right now, she is taking a nap.”[/color] Oraelia said. [color=ed1c24]“You share your Realm with another? Alright, I’ll make sure to not raise my voice.”[/color] [color=gold]”Well… She has her own but I seem to have taken responsibility for her. I’d feel bad leaving her alone, you know.”[/color] she said, grabbing Evandra’s hand and leading her over a small hill that overlooked the distant cabin. [color=ed1c24]“What’s her name? And what does she represent?”[/color] [color=gold]”Her name is Genesis, she is the tree that sat upon Galbar so long ago. Her domain is of nature, and plants. She pretty much is a plant.”[/color] Oraelia said, talking as she walked. [color=ed1c24]“So that tree was banished as well. Or at least her consciousness. I remember seeing it from your Sun when I was born, but I never met it in person.”[/color] [color=gold]”Perhaps you can! Err… At least one day, she’s probably still sleeping.”[/color] Oraelia said as they walked up the steps. She opened the door and let Evandra walk in and then followed behind her. [color=gold]”It’s nothing much, Evandra. I’m sure others have magnificent palaces and castles, but those don’t really fit me.”[/color] Oraelia said. [color=ed1c24]“Don’t put yourself down, your realm is truly beautiful. Mine is mostly barren in comparison.”[/color] She stated as she moved deeper into the house. She peered into one of the rooms and saw a little girl sleeping on a bed. [color=ed1c24]“So that’s her. I didn't think she’d be so small.”[/color] Oraelia chuckled quietly. [color=gold]”You’d think that, coming from such a large tree, but here she is.”[/color] Evandra went inside and stood beside the bed and stared at Genesis’ sleeping face. [color=ed1c24]“She looks so peaceful. I’m almost a little envious.”[/color] She spoke in a quiet voice. [color=gold]”There is peace here, sister. If you wish to take a nap, you may do so. I will keep watch over you.”[/color] Oraelia mused. [color=ed1c24]“Thank you for the offer, but I slept enough already. I only wish my slumber had been as peaceful.”[/color] Oraelia put a reassuring touch upon Evandra’s shoulder. [color=gold]”I know that feeling… But come, let us leave her to sleep.”[/color] Oraelia suggested. [color=ed1c24]“Yes.”[/color] Evandra replied succinctly and they both left the room. Looking through a window Evandra once again saw the many trees that lined the Realm. [color=ed1c24]“Do these trees bear fruit, Oraelia?”[/color] Oraelia followed her gaze. [color=gold]”Yes, some do. As well as bushes and shrubs. Why do you ask?”[/color] [color=ed1c24]“I was wondering if I could eat some of them. I miss their taste and I can only have the berries I made with Cadien.”[/color] [color=gold]”Oh of course! Let’s go!”[/color] Oraelia said, guiding her out the backdoor and over to the treeline, [color=gold]”What berries did you make with Cadien?”[/color] she eventually asked as the two wandered over to a small grove of fruit bearing greenery. [color=ed1c24]“I called them Evening Bells. Dark red berries that grow on bushes with red leaves. We made them as a way to give humans intellect and emotion, but they’re also very sweet. Since you’ll let me have some of your fruits then I’ll give you some of my berries as well.”[/color] She clasped her hands together near her chest and then extended them to Oraelia. A handful of Evening Bells lay on her now open palms. [color=ed1c24]“Here. Help yourself.”[/color] Oraelia took one and plopped it into her mouth. She chewed, a pleasant look springing across her face as she swallowed. [color=gold]”Oh my, very sweet indeed! How exactly did they give humans intelligence and emotion though? They just ate them and got those things?”[/color] she asked, taking another. [color=ed1c24]“The effect on one’s intelligence is particular to humans, but the berries can make even Gods bloom with emotion. It’s just not as noticeable on us unless we eat several of them.”[/color] Oraelia paused as she held a fourth berry over her mouth. [color=gold]”How many does it take? What kind of emotion?”[/color] she asked, titling to her head forward to look at Evandra. [color=ed1c24]“About half a dozen. And the emotions may vary, but in particular it makes one passionate.”[/color] [color=gold]”Passionate about what?”[/color] Oraelia asked softly. [color=ed1c24]“About things, about others. You might find yourself enraptured by a flower’s beauty or fall madly in love with a stranger. I poured my essence into these berries, so to eat them is to feel how I feel, even if for a few moments.”[/color] Evandra said with a smile. [color=ed1c24]“So, dear sister. Care to find out how you fare?”[/color] Oraelia eyed the berry between her finger and thumb, then back to Evandra, before plopping it in her mouth. [color=gold]”I guess it wouldn’t hurt.”[/color] she said with a smile as she grabbed a handful more and ate them. She swallowed and then looked around. [color=gold]”I don’t really… Really… Feel…”[/color] her words came to a stop as she burst into an even brighter glow. She looked around with renewed vigor. [color=gold]”Evandra!”[/color] she gasped. [color=gold]”Look at all this beautiful life!”[/color] she giggled, before turning her intense gaze on Evandra. She moved in close and then touched her sister’s nose. [color=gold]”Haha boop!”[/color] She then grabbed her hand and began to run off, [color=gold]”Come on come on! I want to view the flower fields!”[/color] Evandra’s smile widened at her sister’s display. [color=ed1c24]“Yes, let’s go.”[/color] She followed her sister, giggling all the way. The two then raced over to a field of bright yellow tall grass and flowers every color under the sun. Oraelia flicked her wrist and the grass shrank some, letting the flowers into full bloom. She walked up to a vivid blue poplar and took a great sniff before sighing happily. Golden tears pooled in her eyes, [color=gold]”Oh with passion I see, the beauty laid out before me.”[/color] she whispered in a melodic fashion. Evandra knelt beside her and gave the flower a sniff as well. The sweet floral scent gave her a noticeable blush. [color=ed1c24]“How lovely this is.”[/color] She then looked at Oraelia. The elated look on her face made her more beautiful than ever. [color=ed1c24]“So, how does it feel to see things my way?”[/color] Oraelia fell upon her back in the grass and laughed. [color=gold]”Oh it’s wonderful! Everything is so… so alive and so bright. It makes me feel so warm and fuzzy, if that’s even a thing. Eva, is-is this what passon entails?”[/color] she cooed, as she looked up at the blue sky. [color=ed1c24]“It’s one of its aspects.”[/color] She said hanging over Oraelia. [color=ed1c24]“Do be careful with it, however. Indulge too much in passion and you might just become addicted to it.”[/color] She playfully touched Oraelia’s nose. [color=ed1c24]“Boop.”[/color] And let out a giggle. Oraelia grinned as she focused her eyes on Evandra. [color=gold]”Can a god become addicted to such things?”[/color] she questioned. [color=gold]”Wouldn’t that be… Silly?”[/color] [color=ed1c24]“Don’t you like the way you feel now? Wouldn’t you like to stay like this forever?”[/color] [color=gold]”I like it but this is your domain… Life, as much as I want it to be, can’t always be full of passion.”[/color] she sat up and said quickly, [color=gold]”That’s not to say it shouldn’t exist. It has a place in the world and for that I am thankful for you. I love you Evandra, I want you to know that.”[/color] she said, smiling. [color=ed1c24]“I love you as well, Oraelia.”[/color] She leaned in close and gave her sister a kiss on the cheek then embraced her. Oraelia returned the embrace, glowing a tad brighter after the kiss. [color=gold]”Would you…”[/color] Oraelia whispered, [color=gold]”Cloud gaze with me?”[/color] [color=ed1c24]“Of course.”[/color] Separating themselves, the two Goddesses laid on their backs to watch the clouds, not minding the time. [hider=Summary] Oraelia is bored and thinks about who she should talk to. She eventually settles on Evandra and calls her over. The two catch up and have a good, wholesome time. [/hider] [hider=MP] Absolutely nothing. [/hider]