Some more editing done; edits for consistency, further clarification on certain elements, elaborated on others and how they work, precisely. Example: Favor is a Characteristic meant to encourage diverse strategies, because it's a way to give further bonuses and effectiveness in other areas that an Avatar could act- they don't all have to be purely combative, otherwise I'd just make this rock paper scissors, and the winner would just be the first one to jump on the scene with their best "I-am-a-MAN!" Punch. With good strategy, it is absolutely possible to beat stronger opponents, without relying purely on chance. Expect to see that theme come up at least once, btw :P Because even games of chance should have an element of skill, if it's meant to be competitive. >:) The next round of editing I do will likely be to better organize the rule book, and make it easier to use. Right now it's a bit all over the place.