[@Kala] [color=007236][h1][center]Kitorai Valueleta[/center][/h1] [/color] [h2]The Strip[/h2] If Kitorai felt shame for being carried like a child by the younger man he didn't show it in his face, firstly because when you begin to grow old you tend to let small things like this pass. If he still was the Head of his house he would have to struck down the man carrying him inmediately, but he wasn't, and secondly because, honestly, this was too novel of an experience. Sure he flied on on planes before, but that wasn't comparable at all to what was happening now. They were practically flying, jumping from roof to roof like it was nothing. Sure he could try to do it with his armour reinforced to the maximum and he was sure the effect would be similar...but Ahmicqui was doing without any mystic code, and maybe even without any magecraft. There a few type of people he knew could do this, like the top dogs of the Church or some species of half-breeds, but there was one other hypothesis that could be the answer, and if it was THAT, then he was correct in being cautious about the man. [hr] [h3]Las Vegas Strip -> Spring Valley Community Park[/h3] After some minutes that stretched for an eternity in Kitorai mind, they arrived. In that intervail he had time to think about the question directed at him earlier. He could lie or give a non commital answer, but he felt the man in front of him deserved the truth. [color=007236]"After such an splendid ride i feel obligated to answer your question truthfully. What drove me to renounce to a life of comodity and participate in a war that may as well end my life? the answer it's all the examples you named and more. Yes, i have greed, greed for something more important than money or material things, i have an ambition, a NEED for my name, my own name, not that of my family, to be remembered, to be celebrated decades, even centuries after my death. And so i created something that will make my dream come true, and this was the battlefield where i chose to test my creation... but i guess one such as you couldn't relate to this feeling, you... you aren't as young as you look don't you?[/color] Kitorai body was tensed, prepared to defend himself if his opponent tried anything, yet didn't show any aggresion. This was not a favourable position for him, a fight was not what he was looking for, not yet at least. He was only waiting for what the other party would say.