[color=lightgray][CENTER]━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━[/center][table][row][/row][row][cell] [h3][color=00aeef][i][b]Emanuel "Manny" Newman[/b][/i][/color][/h3] [i][b][color=00aeef]Location:[/color][/b][/i] Assembly (P) [i][b][color=00aeef]Skills:[/color][/b][/i] N/A [/cell][cell] [right][img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/d552b003-bb2d-4c09-ad58-f20f3e2d1b17.jpg[/img][/right] [/cell][/row][/table][CENTER]━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━[/center][/color] So far it seemed Manny was one of the first here at the rally point. It was a nice feeling getting somewhere early and having time to prepare. Though one of the other first, Amelia he was pretty sure was her name, seemed like she had been having a rough day. "[color=00aeef]You doing alright there?[/color]" Simple question, last thing he wanted to do was rush to assumptions in case it wasn't something worst talking about, or at least if she didn't want to talk about it she could have an out to work with. But she did seem stressed, or tired maybe. She did run here after all. Soon enough, Padre came over from the direction of the church with some others Manny hadn't really gotten time to get to know yet. Though he recognized the one woman as the mother. The Russian one who also snapped under stress in quarantine. No baby though? That seemed interesting, but he wouldn't think too much of it. It wasn't too far a guess to assume they had one here. OR maybe school was in session still? There was still a lot to learn about this place. Soon the bus came that had originally brought them in the gates. There was a talk about if the area was clear, he guessed the funeral spot. Though he wondered what was in the bags. Weapons? Other then what in their hands? He figured unlikely, but wondered none the less. He figured time would tell though. He made his way over to Padre. "[color=00aeef]Is it far from camp?[/color]" They were taking the bus, so it was far enough to justify that. As well, maybe they were worried about a large group of people on foot, and their ability to stay secure. Or in case something went wrong. There was a lot going on here that he didn't understand. Lots of need to know maybe. OR maybe it was just far enough to not be secured on a regular basis. So now they wait until everyone else who is coming arrives. Then, off to say goodbye to the people he never got to know. But their deaths saved him none the less. The longest meeting any of them, was Gavin, in his last minutes of life. [color=lightgray][CENTER]━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━[/center][table][row][/row][row][cell] [h3][color=00a651][i][b]Hunter Monroe[/b][/i][/color][/h3][i][b][color=00a651]Location:[/color][/b][/i] Streets (I4 -> L5) --> Streets (L5 - O4) [i][b][color=00a651]Skills:[/color][/b][/i]N/A [/cell][cell] [right][img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/ff63c8f2-413e-4dbc-a9d3-4eb2cf95781e.jpg[/img][/right] [/cell][/row][/table][CENTER]━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━[/center][/color] The walk was peaceful, so that was nice. No one loud, no one staring too long. Sure he wished he had some privacy from public eye, but it wasn't the worst of his problems at the moment so problems for future Hunter. Present Hunter had his own set of problems to work with. No one spoke on the way, no comments, no eye contact. And soon, they went to the back section of camp. It was a weird place that was glossed over by the tour. So another plus side, he got to see a new section of the camp. Knowing is half the battle anyways, right? Though the information wasn't useful for present Hunter. He thought back to one of the last conversations he had with his dad before he stormed out to join the guard, which ironically let people here believe he understood everything about the military, or cared much about it nowadays. How if he left then, he was going to get arrested or shot. And now? Both. But he hadn't been shot in a while so there was a victory there. He planned to keep that track record and see if he could make it two full years without getting shot again. Though he did push his luck now, he still didn't plan on getting shot again. What he did have to consider, this was going to go one of two ways, three if the members who wanted him to get shot get their way three. He still wasn't sure what to think of Maddoc, but he figured he wasn't apart of that group. Even if the first threat seemed uncalled for. But even Maddoc said there was older members of the group who thought the best action was to have a bullet in his brain. Assuming that wouldn't happen for drunk and disorderly (With a side dish of some food wastage and a less then friendly dictionary), being less then five minutes late to work, and picking up the dog shit late, that left exile, or staying. To add to that, his attempts to make friends here had been more harmful then helpful. He had made enemies here, and his attempts to amend what he did wrong have not gone far yet. He had what he could do during lunch, but time wasn't on his side then. It didn't take a genius to know that even if he was allowed to stay, he would have someone on his back waiting for his next mess up at any time. No one here would trust him again, no matter what. He wouldn't be allowed Izibel, as the people here saw her as a privilege, and not the last thing he considered to be apart of his family. Lots of what Maddoc said in the interview came to Hunter's mind. He imagined a lot of what came up would be like that. The last option, exile. They again, would take Izibel. He thought of where he was back before Izibel found him. It was... a dark place. He visibly shivered, he wasn't well then. Probably wasn't now. Maybe that is what Gunny supposedly saw? Hunter still didn't trust reading minds through one's eye. But maybe he had something none the less. Where would he even go if not with Izibel? He had already finished his quest to find his family, and had been following cold trails for close to a year now. So finished wasn't the right word... But it was a dead end none the less, with no where else to go. He had checked everywhere he could? He was going into lock up, so he would have time to think about that. But the walk gave him a chance to confirm one thing. No matter what, he had lost Izibel. The interview came back to mind again. Maddoc gave Hunter a decent amount of information. Little bits and pieces, but enough to work with. Nothing collective, but enough none the less. "[color=00a651]Did you mean it?[/color]" He paused for a moment, realizing Maddoc probably didn't know the context in his mind either. "[color=00a651]What you said about Izibel, in the interview a while back.[/color]" He was referring to his comment about keeping her best interests. When was all said and done, it would help to know that she was okay at the end of the day.