Name? She was asking his name. They were obviously nobles, most likely from a foreign land. He hadn't too much experience with the lands to the east of City, but he recognized the melodic accentuation from a travelling map maker. Illiserev, the land of flowing riches. The land that was Nivinia, once, before it turned into a husk. Ciel noted it was unusual for people of their stature to be stuck in a mess like this, but nonetheless, they were undoubtedly of high importance. That meant Ciel had to make a good impression. "[color=6ecff6]C-ciel[/color]." The boy stammered, trying and failing to keep his twisted tongue straight. "[color=00aeef]Ciel L-lalune[/color]." He kept his head down, trying to hide his embarrased face under the folds of his tattered cloth. "[color=00aeef]Cie-l Lalune...ciel-l...[/color]" he murmured, trying to get the pronounciation right. Every time he stumbled upon something new, like trying to push down the air on a badly sealed pillow. His embarrasment was two fold. First was that he still couldn't speak straight, even though he had secretly practiced it in his lonely days. And yet here he was like a toddler, struggling to even recite his name in front of strangers. And his pipsqueak voice combined with common tongue didn't help at all. Second was that when he was pressured, he still resorted to his Lalune name. A bloodied name, an accursed name, yet in the deepest and most honest recesses of his thoughts, he was still a Lalune. His face felt hot, and his mind lurched to a half-baked solution. He should advertise his skills, no? That way, he should be able to distract them from his horrendous speech. [color=00aeef]"I-I can cl-imb and um..hide w-well. I can scou-t if-if you need."[/color] That was good enough right? No, no it was not. But Ciel was a turkey if he was going to broadcast his horrendous speaking skills further.