[hr][hr] [center][h1][color=B37097]Pandora Quill[/color][/h1] [img]https://data.whicdn.com/images/279572891/original.gif[/img] [I]Location: Wichita, Kansas - Trailhead Skills: Deception[/I][/center] [hr][hr] She had no idea what her mother had planned as they followed and trailed the girls. They must be children, much like her, born in the other world and whisked away. Otherwise what they were doing was very sketchy. She listened as the girls spoke, joked, and did their average thing. She wondered if they were truly aware of what the world was really like before her mother waved her hand and the root of the nearby tree moved, tripping one of the girls. Her mother quickly changed and ran over. She was told to play along, so she did. She came running up as the other girl came on to the scene. [color=B37097]"Mom, why did you...oh!"[/color] She looked over at the girls, mock sympathy and concern on her face. [color=B37097]"What happened? Is everyone all right?"[/color] Once she, or rather her character, had been assured all were well she continued. [color=B37097]"We were jogging around here. We ran through our old trail so often we wanted something new, so we came here. She ran off when she heard something and I didn't realize it until I turned to see her running off. Classic mom."[/color] She gave her mother a hearty chuckle. She hoped she was selling this well.