A Tall dark haired girl in coveralls that sport a Magus ltd. logo and it's prominent moto above and below "Impossible is just another word" is standing in the opening garage door smiling he hazel green eyes studying Wonder Boy for a moment before she speaks. "Hello Mr. Prince and welcome to the Titans" she says in a sweet soft tone. "Please accept these" She holds out in her hand a card with a huge Logo in the center of a red circle that was a Blue T covering a Magenta M, a pair of sleek wraparound shades, Magus cell hub smaller than any on the market. "Your pass card for sealed areas of the complex that require a physical key and it also serves as you Magus debit card. These glasses are a full HUD and coms and the hub is an armored and satlink booster for those pesky dead zones. If you would like modified versions of these to suit your preferences you can contact me on the house com." [@Sanity43217]