[hr][hr][center][h1][color=40E0A6]Iris Rivers[/color][/h1][img]https://i.4pcdn.org/tv/1561674544437.gif[/img][hr] [color=40E0A6][b]Location:[/b][/color] Flying Outside Stark Tower [color=40E0A6][b]Skills: [/b][/color][/center][hr][hr] Iris looked down at the group as she floated in the air, seeing what appeared to be a heated discourse between the pair of fiances. She let out a deep sigh of disappointment. They had a world to save. If they didn't get the Nullifier to the top of the tower, every pine tree, every rhododendron bush, every overweight squirrel would be gone, never to be seen again. Iris didn't want to live in a universe without overweight squirrels. She opened her mouth to speak, to tell them to get their superpowered behinds in the air, but before she could, a darkness enveloped them, and they were gone from sight. Her eyes widened slightly, head bobbing back in surprise. [color=40E0A6]"Well if I'd known we could do that, I wouldn't have started flying,"[/color] she said, eyes shifting to see Neil beside her. That...wasn't good. But she didn't say anything, instead toying with her suit, causing the helmet to pop over her head. Without further hesitation, she blasted further into the sky, following Neil. After a while of flying, Iris caught a glance of sliver, and before she could react, she felt it collide with her metal-clad body. The suit managed to stop any real damage to her body, but that didn't mean they were safe, as before them flew one Silver Surfer. Iris' eyes went wide, as the Surfer sent another barrage of shards at them. Luckily, it too wasn't fatal, though for Neil it very well might've been if not for the glowing young man flying from above. Iris was about to continue flying up, when, out of the corner of her eyes, she saw Neil drop out of the sky. Her head shot down, seeing his body plummeting down towards the ground. Without a moment's hesitation, she flipped herself around, launching herself downwards after him. With her suit's functioning thrusters, she managed to catch up to the boy rather quick. She grabbed onto him from behind, her arms under his armpits, holding onto him tightly as she flew him back upwards. [color=40E0A6]"Don't worry, Mama's got you,"[/color] Iris said, before her nose crinkled in distaste of her own statement. She quickly shook her head. [color=40E0A6]"Yeah, no, forget I said that. I'm too young to be a mama,"[/color] she quickly corrected as they slowly worked their way up the building. By the time she was done speaking, she'd just managed to get them back to where they were before Neil's fall, smack dab in front of the Silver Surfer.