There was almost no sign left of the monster that attacked them. Kvasir grew impatient and angry when he had nothing to crush under the weight of his foot. His senses were still heightened as he didn’t trust this was all that was left of the beast who challenged him for authority. The words in the background were inaudible to him but not the sound of tendrils smacking the marsh runner’s skull into the ground. Kvasir almost snarled in reaction until his vision was interrupted and forced to cut to underneath him. Blobs similar to that of the creature formed underneath them sprouting tendrils of their own. Had he simply stayed there the tendrils would sure enough pull him into the caustic center. In one swift action his chest puffed out and the veins from his body expanded through the skin. A deep howl left his lungs before blood shot out from his body in what seemed to be a concession of blades. Tendrils were cut and sliced like pieces of squid. He had to put some distance between him and the blobs and closer to the monster at the center of this. Propelling himself off the goo monster he touched solid earth once more and took off behind it and the marsh runner. Whatever the dog and the red headed woman chose to do was up to them.