[center][h2]Edward Lachance[/h2] [sup]Guest Starring: Ramyu Tal'saif[/sup][/center] Usually, Edward was all over Magic Studies. For a full month Edward found himself right at the front of class, eagerly noting down everything he could manage that came out of Mr. Shichimori's mouth. But even the ever-eager Edward couldn't ignore the allure of time off of school. In England they called this holiday Easter, but to Edward it was all the same: Time away from maths and phys ed and all of that, free to do whatever he liked. The idea of practicing what they had been working on in this class since the start of the term, Arcture Academics, was what was most enticing, probably what he'd spend most days doing. He felt like he was particularly close to being able to reliably use Force, so a whole day to set aside just practicing that would be nice. Getting the hang of one of the incantation spells Mr. Shichimori was talking about for the past few classes wasn't out of the question either, but Edward wasn't so singular of focus. This free time was a great way to make friends, too. Ed wanted to show Ramyu some more of Earth's fine heritage-- the arcade especially, and he was sure with all of the students having time off many others would be frequenting hotspots like that. He'd only hoped things wouldn't be so crowded the two of them couldn't enjoy themselves. He was sure no matter what they could find some fun in the situation, however. Ed snapped out of his daydreaming as his teacher cast a spell. With a single, emphatic word, a grouping of holographic screens popped up around the professor. Ed's eyes were drawn to them-- the mirrored blocks of text scrolling by rapidly, until they were all dissipated just as quickly as they had appeared. Despite the youthful energy that was bounding to get out of the room and past the last day of schooling, Ed was back into it. Casting an incantation spell with just a single word was something he'd definitely be interested in. So was linking spells to physical movements. He assumed that was done in some similar manner to how he was able to cast his Lighter spell without talking, but that question wouldn't be answered for a while unless Ed trawled through the book. Just as he had got back into the learning spirit, the class was ending. Not before Mr. Shichimori dropped the bomb that right after they got back, everyone would need to have learned how to cast incantation based magic. Looked like Force was going to have to wait... Ed couldn't help but silently 'aww' at this as he began clearing away his things into his pack. Ramyu couldn't help but roll her eyes at this. [color=007236]"'Tis just a week, Edward. I'm sure a man like you has many more to study magic."[/color] [color=00aeef]"Nah it's not class ending,"[/color] Edward said, hefting his bag over his shoulder and standing up. [color=00aeef]"I'm just kinda disappointed. I wanted to work on a different spell this week, but I haven't actually learned any incantation magic so I'm gonna have to work on that. As exciting as this is, I feel like stuff's moving way to fast. I mean I just learned a month ago magic even exists. Which, hey, I'm grateful for but--" [/color] [color=007236]"Edward, we should continue this conversation while leaving the classroom."[/color] [color=00aeef]"Er, right, yeah."[/color] Edward mumbled, pushing in his seat and following close behind Ramyu as they left. [color=00aeef]"Anyways I'm sure it'll all work out but... I don't know if I'll be ready, or deserve it."[/color] [color=007236] "Hm. I'm not sure if many people are ever ready, or deserve what they get."[/color] Ramyu mused. [color=00aeef]"Not helping, Ram. Could we maybe study together? You've known about magic you're whole life since you lived in Arcana-Whatever."[/color] [color=007236]"Hah, you're much better off than I. At least you have your passion, all I've been doing a'fore is swing large blades and crippling old men."[/color] [color=00aeef]"Jeez Ram, give yourself some credit. At least if we study together it'd be a bit less boring. We'll just do it like, an hour a day and then we'll get lunch."[/color] [color=007236]"Bribing me like the old man?"[/color] [color=00aeef]"Gah, I just can't win with you sometimes..."[/color]