Lucien's mood had not eased as the night went by. He was glad that he received no visitors from the rest of the troupe. He was sure that talking about it would only worsen things, and the one he [i]did[/i] need to talk to was [i]still[/i] not here. The Ringleader was a patient man. He was ready to wait all night if he had to, and for the most part, he did. While he had not seen the man himself. He saw the lights flicker on in the man's trailer. So he had teleported home. It was probably how he had left as well. Despite Geralt's clear attempt to not have wanted to be seen returning, Lucien was not willing to wait until the next day to seek an explanation. He didn't want to give him time to formulate some sort of excuse for what he had done. He wanted to catch him off guard. Perhaps then he'd get something. The Ringleader rose from his chair and left his trailer, heading straight for Geralt's. This might have been the first time since he had come that he had went out of his way to look for him there. It had never been necessary until now. Upon arrival, he gave the door three knocks. [color=burlywood]"Geralt. I know you're back. Open the door."[/color] He said in an uncharacteristicly demanding tone.