[center][h1][color=SaddleBrown][b][u]The Making of a Legend[/u][/b][/color][/h1][/center] Iternis looked down onto Galbar. He had thrown himself across the branches of a large tree in his personal realm, the rough bark catching at the strands in his robes as they fluttered in a wind he had made just to make the sitting a little more pleasant. Down on the planet, things were playing out as they always had. People lived and died, all the while running around looking for things that they did not have. It was quite trivial and he, as a god, was above it all. But oh how longed to be in the thick of it, all the meaninglessness, all the struggle and pursuits of pleasure. Iternis sighed and stopped the wind, having ruined his mood. He plopped down from the tree and cast off his flowing robes. He had grown to appreciate more simple clothing as time had gone on, the robes gave him an air of mysteriousness that he no longer enjoyed to have. Down planet-side, he could hear all the mortals blabbering, calling out to him for aid or a safe travel, but almost never by name. Anyone who knew Iteris knew him as a folk hero from old legend, not as a god. The only mortal he had ever explicitly shown himself to be a god to was the witch Hofmar. Iternis smiled at that one, she was still desperately trying to ignore the job Iternis had charged her with and it was quite amusing to see her try and come up with increasingly elaborate excuses to not help the boy she swore to protect. Speaking of the boy, he should be about old enough now. All the other gods had created their avatars in an instant, thrusting out their will into the world like it was just another part of their arm. Iternis felt like that was cruel. He longed to be able to walk around Galbar again, probably more so than the other gods, but he also knew that he couldn’t. Creating a being that was forced to follow his command just to fulfill the god’s nostalgia would be cruel. Sure, he could create a mindless puppet, but that seemed almost worse. He had decided that he would meerley give some mortal all the choices he no longer had. Iternis supposed he may try to take the boy’s memories for himself at some point, make a copy so he could live out his avatar’s life without ever going to Galbar, but that was long in the future. Iternis kicked a clump of grass that exploded at incomprehensible speeds away from the ground and spiraled into the endless void of Iternis’s realm. He had gone and gotten nostalgic again. The god’s mind drifted to his very first creation, Toog, and his heart plummeted. He had made the loyal dog so that Iternis could not track or control him, he didn’t want a slave to be his first creation, but that meant that Iternis had no way of finding him now. Guilt racked Iternis as he remembered the way he had abandoned his companion that had loved him so much. The God of Journeys had left because he had wanted Toog to go on without him. Their departure was inevitable and Toog had clearly wanted to live like a hero, in the world’s spotlight and Iternis knew he was holding the dog back from that. But Iternis had also forgotten that Toog had always wanted, more than anything, to be with him. Iternis punted another chunk of grass into the void and watched it until it vanished from even hsi godly vision. He had ignored Toog’s prayers to him because he thought Toog would be better off without him. It was only when Iternis realized he was worse off without Toog that Toog had stopped calling out for him. And for two thousand years, Toog had been silent and Iternis wasn’t even able to seek him out to apologize. Iternis shook himself out and let out a large sigh, he needed to do something, he needed to not be thinking. Itenis whirled back to the tree he had been sitting in and, before he even stopped moving, he sliced it straight off at the trunk. The wood slammed into the ground and shed all its leaves in an instant. He needed to make something, a gift for the mortal world. Something that would see every nook and cranny of Galbar and maybe even find its way to Toog. With a wave of his hand, Iternis shore all the bark and twigs off the trunk, turning it into a long, twenty-five foot cylinder of hardwood. He spun his finger and the lare dowel rolled, shedding wood like dust until all that was left was the frame of a thin boat. The wind danced along the sides of the boat, carving intricate images of all sorts of animals running, swimming, and flying along the rims. Iternis raised his hands upwards and fine furs and tanned animal skin sprung from the ground, wrapping themselves around the frame and stitching themselves together. Next, Iternis snatched two young saplings from the ground and instantly they grew into mighty paddles, eight feet long. The wood was perfectly polished with smooth handles of ivory that were incapable of splintering or giving blisters. The god laid the two paddles across each of the two cockpits in the shallow boat. Iternis took a step back and looked at his masterpiece, glowing a golden brown in the light and looking so beautiful it couldn’t be anything but divine. Now all that was left was to bless it. Iternis rested his palms on the hull of the incredible ship and began to let his godly energy leak out into it. This boat would be able to go anywhere, allow any rider to explore the entire world. It should be given to who ever needed it the most, Iternis scrunched his eyes as his mind began to drift. This boat should take it’s user to wherever, whoever, they need to see most. It should be able to deliver someone to their destination, no matter what. If only Iternis could use it, if only he could paddle his newest creation to find Toog again. Emotion welled up in the god again, he had been unable to keep it down. He needed to find Toog again, to make up. More than anything, he needed someone to talk to. The other gods were gods, who revealed in their divinity so they wouldn't get it. He couldn’t just make some creature that would be trapped in his realm, that would be cruel. He needed, more than anything, to have a friend again. Someone who would always pursue what they wanted, so he could help them and not make the same mistake he had made with toog. Someone who was sure enough in themselves to be able to tell a god when they had made a mistake. Someone who would have almost as much love in them as Toog had. While Iternis was moping about like an exceedingly wet blanket, he had forgotten that he was still leaking his power and divine will into the kayak. Too much of his spirit poured out for it to remain a mere artifact that held part of another's consciousness. Iternis’s musing filled the expertly crafted vehicle and soon began to manifest in ways that the god had never intended. A single somber tear rolled down Iternis’s cheek and splashed onto the polished wood of the kayak [color=SaddleBrown]“Holy shit, stop with the melodrama!”[/color] A shrill yet booming voice yelled out, [color=SaddleBrown]“I don’t need your tears all over me!”[/color] Before Iternis could process what the voice said, the kayak shot away from under his hands, causing the god to stumble and almost fall on the ground. The boat sped away, its paddles whirling through the air on their own accord and propelling it through the air. The ship eventually banked and made a wde, but quick, turn to circle back and pass by the befuddled god once more. [color=SaddleBrown]“You, sad sack!”[/color] The voice shouted again as the boat whizzed by, [color=SaddleBrown]“Is this all there is in this place? A bunch of lame trees? Where the hell is the ocean!”[/color] [color=LightYellow]“Wha-”[/color] was all Iternis could say before the voice continued. [color=SaddleBrown]“There isn’t even a stream here! How the hell am I supposed to go around being the best boat in the goddamn world if all there is is trees and a lame guy!”[/color] The boat turned so that the very front was pointed directly at Iternis. Iternis just stood there, trying to work through everything that was happening in his mind. [color=SaddleBrown]“Ugh, you’re unbearable. I know you’re a god, but you are acting like a straight up village idiot right now,” [/color]The voice continued, exasperated. The boat turned away from the god and began flying around through the air again,[color=SaddleBrown] “Where is the exit to this boring place. You’re so lame I won’t let you near me so I have to go find some other, cooler people, to ride me.”[/color] [color=LightYellow]“You.... are the boat,”[/color] Iternis said slowly. [color=SaddleBrown]”Damn straight ‘m the boat!” [/color]The kayak responded, their paddles still launching them through the air, [color=SaddleBrown]“In fact, I’m [i] The[/i] Boat! The name’s Kanoe. Now send me to that Galbar place you were thinking of when you made me, it seems way more interesting than this dump.”[/color] [color=LightYellow]“Why are you sentient,”[/color] Iternis frowned and crossed his arms, [color=LightYellow]“That wasn’t the plan.”[/color] [color=SaddleBrown]“Oh, gee thanks, for saying I’m a mistake,”[/color] If Kanoe had eyes they would be rolling them,[color=SaddleBrown] “I’m exactly what you wanted, with your mopey, self-pity induced internal dialogue. Just get over Toog or try harder to make up.”[/color] [color=LightYellow]“Wait, you know what I was thinking?”[/color] [color=SaddleBrown]“Uuggggghhh!”[/color] Kanoe held that out for about thirty seconds, [color=SaddleBrown]“Only when you were making me! Was I really that much of a mistake? Forget you, I’m ditching this shitshow!”[/color] [color=LightYellow]“No, you’re not leaving!” [/color]Iternis exclaimed angrily, [color=LightYellow]“You need to stay so we can work this whole debacle ou-”[/color] Kanoe the Kayak ignored their creator’s indignant shouting and zoomed off, using a bit of the excess power Iternis had left on them to shatter a break in the realm and squirt themselves out into Galbar. In an instant, Kanoe was unleashed on the world and Iternis was left alone, confused and not the least bit perturbed. BUt maybe Kanoe had a point: Iternis had been being a bit of a mopey sad sack… [hider=Summary] Iternis is chilling in his Realm, being a Sad Boi and moping over how he can’t be down on Galbar. He is particularly mopey about how he abandoned Toog and now can’t find him to apologize, even after the 2000 years. To take his mind off Toog, Iternis decides to make something. He creates a beautiful wooden kayak that he hopes will help a lot of people down on Galbar. Unfortunately, he gets distracted by being mopey again while he is consecrating the Kayak and starts thinking about what kind of friend he really needs right now. He accidentally gives the Kayak sentience and the newly made Hero, Kanoe the Kayak, has all the personality traits Iternis was just musing about, but instead of making Kanoe a good person, it makes them a raging asshole who narrates Iternis for being depressed, insults his realm, then peaces out so he can go find some cool people to let ride him. Iternis takes this whole mess up as a clue that maybe he should stop being so self-pitying and maybe start trying to function again. [/hider] [hider= MP Nuke] Iternis Start: 2/5 MP 5/5 DP -2MP -5DP Consecrate Kanoe: -0 DP:Welcome Persona II (free with Wanderer Port) This hero isn't seen as out of the ordinary or inherently scary and they are generally welcome amongst people who usually take kindly to strangers or would need their services. -2 DP: Magical Buoyancy II: Can float in any fluid-acting substance, including air to a degree, while carrying a lot of weight and with little to no turbulence. -1 DP: Form Change I: Kanoe can change their size and shape to that of any plausible Kayak configuration to best suit whatever task/ environment they are currently facing -2 DP: Wear Resilient I: Kanoe cannot be damaged by the common wear and tear that would affect any unblessed boat -2MP: Empowering Paddles I: Kanoe can move faster through whatever medium they are current in if someone is holding one of their paddles. The paddles themselves are incredibly sturdy and grant the wielder increased Endurance and Strength. Since Kanoe doesn’t actually need to use the paddles to travel, they can be used as mediocre magical weapons. End: 0/5 MP, 0/5 DP Kayak Port: 5/5 [/hider] [hider= Prestige] Post length: 10K+ +5 P Kanoe: 5 P [/hider]