[h1][center] The Glasgow [/center][/h1] The Glasgow had kept it's part of the bargain. They had secured a new ship for the fleet, and they aided with evacuations of Aldeeran the ships shuttle craft served as invaluable tools in getting people onto, and off the planet. Even in the worse of it. But still they hadn't saved as many as they had liked, and they kept to their own ship for the speech. Choosing to stay as out of the way as possible in the formation of this new rebellion. They would have no part in it, and they cared little for what happened to these people beyond getting home. The taking of the ships bridge had been a reminder that they should stick to that ideal One of their own was wounded. A near brush with death served to root all of them that despite this being a different universe this wasn't a game, or some shared dream, or whatever theory was running rampant. As soon as things simmered down, and they were set. They began contacting their agents in various places throughout space. What they described was grim, and sometimes terrifying. But they had adapted well to the climate. Guess it helped to be just another generic human in this galaxy. But still precious intel, was precious intel. He had it decoded into burst transmissions that the others in the fleet could read. Travis settled in for some peace, and quiet. Content the battle was done for now. It wasn't long however before he was interrupted again. "The other leaders wish to discuss on board The Aegis." His communications officer said, The Alliance captain shook his head. "It's always something..." He sighed. "Very well. Tell them we are coming." "Aye, aye sir." His communications officer jumped to listen to his orders, as he summoned his other officers to the hangar. Besides Sarah Wilkes, he took his XO with him so he could contribute to the talks. Once more they left The Glasgow, setting a course for The Aegis. [hr] [h1][center] The Glasgow Officers - Aboard the Immaculate Aegis [/center][/h1] The Aegis was an impressive ship, at least to Travis it was. However the aliens on board were more than a little unsettling. As soon as they landed they were not greeted by an attendant. But by a strange avian like alien. "Hey human." It said, getting their attention. "I've got some things we can trade. Nice prime weaponry, standard issue for Kig-Yar. Nice, and cheap because I like you so much." It exclaimed. Looking the group of them over. The humans looked at each other. Sarah, and Adrian probably sharing a private conversation in their helmet radios. Probably whether, or not they'd barter with the creature. "We'll think about it, mind telling me where we're meeting the others?" He asked. The creature nodded eagerly. Seemingly convinced it would have a future sale. It told them the way through the ship. Without getting stopped further the group made their way through the corridors. It was an odd ship, almost eerie with how silent it was. When they reached the briefing room they were late. But they settled into their chairs, listening to them talk about some sort of super weapon. It was always something in this universe. If it wasn't crazy god-like beings, it was super lasers that could destroy a planet. Both his officers were given permission to speak freely to the others. He did not wish to be the only one speaking. As things quieted down a bit, Sarah spoke up before either of them "If you know so much about it, then you know probably know where they're making the damn thing, or the plans. Send a team to infiltrate, sneak out, and blow up anything they've made progress on. Put a round between the eyes of anyone associated with it as well. Bing, bang, boom. We're done." She said. She was simple, and always cut through the bullshit that needed to be said. Hopefully it could cut this meeting short by cutting straight to the point.