[h2][center]Alter Ego — Meltryllis[/center][/h2] When her Master showed that her injury had all but subsided, Meltryllis sighed before crossing her arms and leaning back into her seat. Both of them were aware of her inability to do much of anything to make things slightly more bearable as the arm in question healed, which obviously included preparing or producing any sort of food or drink. As far as she could tell, there wasn't actually anything she could actually [i]do[/i] besides play bodyguard at the moment. It was a bit of a shame, but after that incident, even she would prefer to play it safe if possible. "Well, if it's just about healed, then I guess that those Casters really are something special," she scoffed, motioning with one arm towards Nanako's injured arm before hearing the sound of her Master's stomach growling. "...Well, if you're a human, I guess it can't be helped. Are you going to call for food again? If so, I'm leaving; there's no point in me staying around and causing needless panic if it's for a simple meal." [@VitaVitaAR]