[h1][color=6ecff6]Doppel[/color][/h1] Supervisors were not a good sign, though Doppel remembered he would have been responsible for it in some part. He didn't have to say that HERO would have his head on a pike if they found out what he was doing, but if it were to go public and Wyatt's gang would put the pieces together, Markus's family would get it worse. It wasn't that his power was ill suited to get some eyes of him but if he were to use them to escape the eye of ICOSA undoubtedly two more would be on him. Doppel knew he needed to watch his back even more now, he begun to exit the meeting heading toward the exit. He had work to do in Watervale today. [h1][color=fff200]Starbright[/color][/h1] Starbright didn't mind the prospect of supervisors. Of course he wouldn't be the one needing them as far as damages are concerned Starbright keeps it close to zero. The problem he had with it is the addition of these measures means its not too far from going public. Perhaps it would be time to go to a more reputable agency if that were to be the case. Public outrage like the can bury a company and Starbright is not someone to go down with the ship. For now he didn't need to worry its still the biggest hero agency and even if it did break out it could just be a case of denouncing the heroes involved. He kept pondering with thoughts like that as he exited the meeting and went toward the common room. Entering a, so far, empty room he didn't feel the [i]need[/i] to pose on entry but he did anyway. [color=fff200]"Jailbirds screwing it up for everyone who would have thought."[/color] He quipped sarcastically as he went toward the fridge for his bottle of expensive water.