Meesei looked out over the valley below, then tilted her head towards Fendros. “Patience. The lycan spirits may hunt ahead of us, but we still need to wait for our assault forces to come through. We cannot take on the forces guarding those towers ourselves. Or…at least not the reinforcements they will receive, once we start felling them. Once the defenses are established here, it should not be…” Meesei’s words were suddenly cut off by a deafening roar far above them. By land, the plateau on which their portal was located was difficult to approach, and the lycan spirits rushing out into the surroundings would slow down any forces trying to converge on them. However, none of that would stop an attack from the air. Flying over the mountain behind them was the menacing form of a [url=]Daedric Titan[/url], as well as a small swarm of winged twilights accompanying it. The Daedric Titans were originally creations of Molag Bal, though there was evidently one or more in service to Vile. “Look to the sky! Ward quickly!” Meesei shouted, hoping the warning came quickly enough as the titan dove down breathing a pillar of cold-fire. Vile had certainly noticed their intrusion, and was retaliating with as much power as he could bring to bear quickly. Upon Meesei’s warning, there were only seconds to react. Meesei herself raised a ward above her as widely as she could to protect those around her. Ahnasha protected herself, demonstrating one of the spells taught to her by Hal-Neesa. It was a conjured ward, formed from the energies of Oblivion instead of Restoration magic, which formed a glowing violet bubble around her. Do’rhajul, as well, raised Spellbreaker above him and tried to stay close to the rest of Sabine’s pack.