[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/200406/950973ad6ed1e19ee27f141dbc2ac854.png[/img][/center] Dean Yukimura's speech seemed to strike a chord with some of the students, who were undaunted by the challenge, and perhaps even emboldened to meet it. Others still looked entirely unfazed, and while most of them were assumedly upper-classmen, it was clear that even a few of the first-years had hardly heard a word the man had said. Kana had heard every word, and she was harrowed. As the Dean's eyes swept through the assembly, lingering upon the faces of the first-years, she could have sworn their eyes met. She could have sworn they met, and that she saw utter disgust in them. In that moment she felt unbelievably cold, and mortally terrified. [color=crimson][i]It's like he knows you don't belong here. You're not brave. You're not tenacious. And being humble is not the same as being pathetic.[/i][/color] Her eyes fell to her lap, to the bag, where her fingers were wound up so tightly they were starting to ache. What was she thinking? Ishin expected greatness. Ishin expected perfection. Her father had known she wasn't cut out for this, he'd known coming here would be a mistake. [i]You can't pull blood from a stone.[/i] That was what he'd said. Sitting here now, she felt like a stone about to shake itself apart, and she was certain there'd be no blood in the rubble. [color=skyblue]"Soar Skyward."[/color] [color=crimson][i]You're better off six feet deep.[/i][/color] [color=crimson][i]Do not start crying again.[/i][/color] [color=BEDE79]"—That's the class I’m in!"[/color] Kana jolted, scooting back in her seat as Shun stood up to leave. Class? What class? The freshman class? She looked around, and found that the auditorium had practically emptied of all but the first-years, and already most of them were splitting up to either side of the room. Oh god. Oh no. She'd missed something important. [color=FFC0CB]"…And you, Kana-san?"[/color] Kana turned to Nadeshiko, finding no comfort in the girl's monochrome face, despite the rather gentle look she wore. [color=crimson]"Ah…uhm…"[/color] [color=crimson][i]Say you aren't sure. Say you weren't paying attention because you were about to vomit. She's being polite. She's nice. She's not gonna care that it only took you an hour to fuck up.[/i][/color] [color=crimson]"…Yes. I mean—ah—I am. I am also in that class."[/color] She bowed her head again, like it was a reflex, or a tick, and got up quickly, nearly bumping Shun and losing hold of her bag in the process. She mumbled an apology anyway, standing aside so that the both of them could get out, before making her way to the right-most group of students. Lingering at the back, she listened to group mumbling amongst themselves, trying to parse out exactly what she'd walked into. When she heard the words [i]"1A"[/i] she sighed with relief. Somehow, she'd stumbled into where she was meant to be. That didn't stop the shaking, though. Even clutching the bag close, her fingers continued to shake, and her knees felt like…well…she'd have said [i]"jelly,"[/i] but a quick glance at Nadeshiko had her worrying if that would be offensive. [i]Weak[/i], she decided instead. They felt weak. [color=crimson][i]Fitting.[/i][/color]