<> [b][u]Puppet of the Bow[/u][/b] An impressed smile spread wide across the Puppet's face. It had barely become accustomed to its own existence (or perhaps re-accustomed, from the way Olas spoke), but it already had a giant owl as its summon? The Puppet felt like it been suddenly catapulted way up to a kingly status, although considering Olas and itself was present, the Puppet didn't really know what to compare to. A welcome surprise, one the Puppet would be sure not to miss. The Puppet puffed up like a baby bird proud of its first catch, although having literally done nothing but walk in the woods for a bit to earn this. The Puppet had certainly taken a liking to this Olas. For some reason, there was a tiny corner of the Puppet's mind that expected the King to huff up in an up-nosed snobbishness, what with the horns framing the sky as if to mantle the heavens itself upon their crown. But the Puppet picked up on the shift in the King's speech mannerism as the King came down to the ground in front of it. Turns out the King was a straight fellow, huh? Maybe the Puppet lucked out by meeting someone like Olas, because it certainly wouldn't have known to react against someone much less inclined. [color=00aeef]"Alright! I'm certainly chuffed to meet you, Olas!"[/color] The Puppet didn't (or really couldn't) hide its enthusiasm. [color=00aeef]"Trial sounds fun. I'm ready for whatever you throw at me!"[/color] The Puppet slung its bow and arrow, stretching a little to warm itself up. Let's earn its keep, yeah? As the King said, make it official and such.