[center] [h1][color=f49ac2]Amaris Marivaldi[/color][/h1] [sub]Interacting with: [color=fc8686]Madalyn[/color] [@Achronum][/sub] [/center] [color=f49ac2][i]Ah, so it was one of each. Not a bad idea.[/i][/color] The countess smiled to herself, feeling somewhat proud of her partner’s decision. It was wise to have one’s bases covered, especially when there were so many things about the exam they did not yet understand… she just hoped that such preparation would not carry negative consequences. Amaris listened carefully to the rest of Madalyn’s thoughts on the bells and her preference for the blue bell. She was happy to find the pair in agreement on the topic, although, perhaps for slightly different reasons. From what it sounded, Madalyn’s approach came primarily from the desire to avoid potentially dangerous situations due to the countess’ condition. While Amaris felt the same, she couldn’t deny an ulterior motive for her preference in bell. Despite the outward appearances of their partnership, the truth was they hadn’t yet had any ability to build a type of rapport. It wasn’t for a lack of effort, simply not enough time or opportunity to truly test one another… at least, not until now. Courage was fine and all, but trust was far more important to the countess at present; lesser difficulty was just a bonus to the choice. The countess had still been deliberating to herself when a gentle press eased her to a standstill. She could sense the open air before them signalling their next step, however, there was something about it that seemed to put Madalyn into a state of unease. Lifting the hand opposite Madalyn’s side, Amaris placed it gently overtop the mage’s tense grip. “[color=f49ac2]Then a decision we have to make, best to not keep a serpent waiting. I gave it some thought along our walk and I agree with you on blue. It seems to fit best with the supposed theme of the exam.[/color]” She spoke with measured tones in the hopes that her calm might ease whatever it was that bothered her partner. Was it the form of the statue, a fear of serpents perhaps? Odd considering she had yet to hear a complaint about Getsuga’s escape habits. “[color=f49ac2]Why don’t we go together and show that statue what we’re made of so we can continue on our way.[/color]”