A note: (folks are already doing this, which is great!) it's worth saying if you guys could more or less begin the story as a grouped unit, that would be really helpful to ease us all into the story. You can decide with each other whether characters know each other or not, but even if they're strangers I'd like for everyone to begin the journey together for the moment. (If you guys want to split the party and start wandering off into the night later on, you may do so! It's just for the moment so I can shake off the dust and everyone can start getting to know each other.) If it helps, a convenient hook for anyone who's stuck: a gaggle of strangers who are headed the same way through a dangerous area might think it's wiser and safer to keep pace and travel together. [sup]A sidenote: I accidentally wrote "North Mile" instead of "North Road" in the IC intro post, because I was tired and coffee wired and I forgot to edit all my notes. It's fixed now. Let's all pretend I'm functional. B^)[/sup] Sorry for the double post, wanted to make sure players definitely saw this one.