[hr][hr] [center] [h2][color=004d00]Matthew Moss[/color][/h2] [img]https://66.media.tumblr.com/59d18f9cebc69c262c6390cd99712f38/tumblr_inline_plob3sInzQ1toj5hy_540.gif[/img] Location: Cardiff castle Skills: Jack-of-all-trades (guns), weapon specialization (handguns), weapon proficiency [/center] [hr][hr] Again with the arguing. This group of people could barely stand each other. They were supposed to be a team. He could understand Flynn's frustrations though. Tinley's first plan did suck. At least once she had more information she was able to do more than come up with a wing-it plan. Matt could understand where both of them were coming from. But also as one of the newest members of the team it didn't feel right to be trying to keep them from yelling at each other. At least they hadn't gone to blows, that seemed to be a Raynor special. Then a distraction showed up via a bright light. Matt winced, closing his eyes until it was safe to look again. There were five really nasty looking guys standing before them now. They declared themselves part of Thanos' army. That made things easy. Matt agreed with Cass's assessment about who looked the most like a threat. He drew his handgun and shooting him. The bullet bounced off of the guy. Matt winced. That was a terrifying prospect. He lined up his shot of the guy's eye as Maria had. The bullet penetrated and destroyed the guy's other eye. Blood was pouring out. Matt tried to aim another shot for the same eye but it went wide.