Errant walks slowly through the smoldering streets. Through the smoke of recently burning cars. Through the piles and piles of junked appliances and other consumer products. Through the air still thick with desperate and frightened tears. It's rare for her to be walking by herself. Normally, a mission would call for her to get airlifted in and dropped on site. Or else she'd be sprinting to get more exercise, or because she was faster than a lot of cars. But tonight she's by herself, on call, and walking down the street at a normal person's pace. It feels important, you see. To take the time and really look at how things turned out. She cuts a sharp figure in the middle of the dim and dismal street, a lone splash of color swimming through the black. It reminded her a lot of old arguments with Victor. How did her line go again? However corrupt or awful the system might be, it was still responsible for propping up thousands, tens of thousands, even millions of lives. And if you brought the world crashing down, even to build a better one, those were the ones who paid the cost. Well, here that is. Clear as the diamonds around the moon. But, even still... what else could they have done? With everything BlackSun was doing... they had to go down. Had to. Those lives weren't propped up at all. That's why it was so important to see it. She had to know what her world looked like, so this didn't just turn into another stack of rhetoric for big dreamers to toss onto the pile while they carved up the world for themselves. She had to see the people she was supposed to be helping, so she never got carried away on a logo masquerading as her dreams ever again. In the light of the hospital signage, Errant glows like a creature from some other, more magical universe. Or just a certain someone a little closer to home. She reaches out her hand and shakes Doctor al Jamil's without hesitation. A thin smile creeps onto her face before quickly dropping away into a veneer of grim-faced professionalism. Or, was the smile right after all? God help her, she's still so bad at this. She shakes her head. "Of course, Doctor. What can I do to help?"